Will Trinidad Regret His Return to Ring?


Will Trinidad Regret His Return to Ring?

Boxing comebacks a mixed bag but 82% of media say Trinidad-Mayorga to end in KO

Whether it’s money, the roar of the crowd or just to improve one’s place in history, there are more boxers who later regret the decision to return to the ring rather than those who stay home.  Puerto Rican superstar and three-time world champion Felix “Tito” Trindad will find out whether he made the right decision to come back on Saturday night in Madison Square Garden and on HBO Pay-Per-View.

Fighters who have been successful include legends like “Sugar” Ray Leonard emerging victorious in his first comeback versus Kevin Howard—and, second, against another legend by the name of Marvelous Marvin Hagler.

If it had ended there it would have been better for Leonard, but it did not.  Leonard failed in another comeback against Terry Norris as well as Hector Camacho.

Others who were successful in their comebacks include Muhammad Ali coming out of enforced retirement after three-and-a-half years to beat Jerry Quarry in his 1970 comeback fight. There are others who were successful, the obvious one and Poster Child of all comebackers, George Foreman.

Go way back, almost to the time Father Adam was dispossessed, and you’ll find Jim Jeffries failing against Jack Johnson in 1910. Almost as far back was Benny Leonard’s failed comeback against Jimmy McLarnin. Add the names of Joe Louis, Floyd Patterson, etc., etc., to the list of failed comebacks.

The final media poll for Saturday’s middleweight clash in Madison Square Garden between Puerto Rican superstar and three-time world champion Felix “Tito” Trinidad (41-1, 34 KOs) and hard-drinking, hard-smoking, hard-talking and hard-punching former world champion Ricardo “El Matador” Mayorga (26-4-1, 22 KOs) shows that an incredible 82% of the respondents believe the fight will end in a knockout.

Media members from around the world were asked if they believe the fight will end in a knockout.  Of the 99 respondents, 81 said yes with only 18 believing the judges will be asked to determine the outcome.

While considering a knockout, the ring records of both fighters shows Mayorga has never been knocked down in his entire professional career; however, Trinidad has been knocked down by seven different fighters: Bernard “The Executioner” Hopkins, 9/29/01, TKOBY 12; “Ferocious” Fernando Vargas, 12/2/00, round 4; David Reid, 3/3/00, round 3; Kevin Leushing 1/11/97, round 2; Oba “Motor City” Carr, 12/10/94, round 2; Luis “Yory Boy” Campas, 9/17/94, round 2; and Anthony Stephens, 10/23/93, round 2.

The media remains undaunted by the 7-0 disparity in knockdowns favoring Mayorga as 71% pick Trinidad to win by knockout.

Of those who believe a knockout will occur, listed below please find the exact round they think the fight will end:

Round 2 - 1
Round 3 - 2
Round 4 - 3
Round 5 - 10
Round 6 - 13
Round 7 - 19
Round 8 - 9
Round 9 - 10
Round 10 - 10
Round 11 - 3
Round 12 - 1

Tickets, priced at $1,000, $700, $400, $250, $150 and $75, are on sale at the Garden box office and all TicketMaster locations or by calling TicketMaster at 212-307-7171, 201-507-8900, 631-888-9000, or 914-454-3388. TicketMaster purchases are subject to convenience charges.

This WBA North American and North American Boxing Council championship bout on Saturday is being presented by Don King Productions in association with Madison Square Garden and will be produced and distributed domestically by HBO Pay-Per-View at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT and broadcast internationally and on closed circuit by KingVision.