PRESS RELEASE: Former two-weight Southern Area champion and European title challenger David Walker has dismissed the affections of the outspoken Deptford light middleweight Anthony Small. Small recently claimed on an Internet site that not only would he like to fight ‘Kid Dynamite,’ but that his team had actually attempted, unsuccessfully, to make the fight.
“I have never heard anything more ridiculous in my life,” said Walker. “Firstly, to my mind, Small needs to get out of nappies before he starts talking about fighting me; he is a seven fight novice.
“I am a proven Championship contender who has won two titles and challenged for the European. The only fight I have lost in two and half years was against Roman Karmazin, who is now the IBF light middleweight champion.
“Secondly, his team – whoever they are - have not spoken to anyone at Hennessy Sports about making this contest.
“And if they did, the reason the fight would be turned down wouldn’t be because we are worried about anything Small brings to the table. It would be because we don’t feel he has done anything to earn the fight.
“In my opinion, the guy is a poor mans Spencer Fearon! I believe he is all flash and no substance. He even struggled to get out of the South East Divisional’s in the ABA’s. I am a former ABA champion and top England International.
“Small asks what could I do to beat him, well how about knock him out? He’s nowhere near being ready to live with a peak me. If you ask me he’s a circus act.”
Walker added: “I don’t feel Small is anywhere near even being the best light middleweight prospect in London, let alone England.
“I reckon the best young talent we have at that weight is easily my Hennessy Sports teammate Darren Barker.
“Darren is a real stand out talent but he keeps quiet about it. He also has real pedigree. He is a Commonwealth games gold medallist and multi nations gold medallist. That to me indicates he is in a different league to Small.
“From their one common opponent, Andrei Sherel, you may think the pair were similarly matched because they both beat him in 3.
“But Barker’s was a dominant win; he blew him away. In my opinion Small was being given all he could handle and Sherel was unlucky to get stopped.