WBA sides with Ruiz

By Scott Shaffer


WBA sides with Ruiz

According to Tony Cardinale, attorney representing heavyweight contender John Ruiz, the WBA has ruled in favor of Ruiz over a dispute between Ruiz and Ruslan Chagaev.  Universum recently won a purse bid to stage an eliminator between Ruiz and Chagaev, and it went ahead and scheduled the fight for October 28, 2006 in Germany. Cardinale shrewdly noticed that this was three days sooner than permissible under WBA regulations, and as Boxingtalk recently reported, Cardinale filed a protest.  Today, Cardinale reports that he received a letter from WBA legal counsel Robert Mack, who agreed that the eliminator could not go forward unless Ruiz consented. So far, Ruiz has not agreed, so Universum must either find another main event for its television date, or reach a compromise.