Viper Spews More Venom at Golden Boy

By G. Leon


Viper Spews More Venom at Golden Boy

GL:  You've been wanting to get quite a bit off of your chest today.  Talk to me. "There's mumblings in the street that De La Hoya and Mayweather are planning on fighting in September.  From my understanding De La Hoya is going to get a tuneup fight in sometime in summer before he fights Floyd in September. I want to put a challenge out there to De La Hoya since he's looking for a tune up fight, and they're going to fight at 154 pounds for the WBC 154 pound championship.  How about I be that tune up fight for him?  I'll knock his ass out.

GL:  Do you think that those remarks, and the remarks you made about De La Hoya in a previous interview, will make him want to fight you, even if you were somebody on his options list?

Vernon Forrest:  If a motherfucker challenge my manhood, we've got to settle it.  I'm a fighter, he's a fighter.  If a motherfucker challenge my manhood, he's got to bring some to get some. 

GL:  Such a fight would come down to dollars and cents, and Oscar's taking the lion's share.  How much or how little of the pot would you be prepared to take to make the De La Hoya fight a reality?

VF:  I don't negotiate in the public, you already know that.  We wont talk dollars and cents through the media, but we'll make it happen, make it real sweet.  No one wants to see De La Hoya and Floyd go again.  The first fight was garbage anyway.  If anything they owe the fans, who paid to see the first fight, a refund. 

GL:  If you were advising De La Hoya, why would he fight somebody as dangerous as Vernon Forrest with a rematch to the highest grossing fight in the history of boxing on the horizon?

VF:  An ass whooping is an ass whooping.  He's going to get it from me, or from somewhere, but he's taking it.

GL:  Wouldn't you still fight Oscar De La Hoya if he lost to Floyd again?

VF:  He's the biggest pussy in the fight game, so I would definitely still fuck him.

GL:  Anything else?

VF:  I just wanted to exhale.  I would sign on BoxingTalk. 

GL:  We're going to see if we get Oscar on the phone with a response. 

VF:  That's what it is then.


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