Video Transcription: Sultan Ibragimov

By G. Leon


Video Transcription: Sultan Ibragimov

GL: here with the undefeated heavyweight contender Sultan Ibragimov, at the final press conference before his fight on Saturday night at the Mecca of boxing, Madison Square Garden.  The fight was originally scheduled  to take place for Shannon Briggs' WBO heavyweight championship, but it's since  been postponed. Can you give us some thoughts on the switch of opponent?"My opponent is a strong, strong guy.  I saw his tape, he's was strong.  He's a young, hungry guy, real big. Tough fight, you'll see, in thering on Saturday night."

GL:  I spoke with your manager Boris Greenburg and he told me, fighters fight.   You haven't been in the ring in a long time, so it's very important for you to  fight, even if it's not going to be for the title.  Are you looking at this fight the same way, and taking it as seriously as you were the title shot?

SI:  Of course, I take each fight very seriously.  Eight month's ago I was in  the ring.  I need to go fight.  I need to show a real fight, and feel the ring. Then we'll see how it will be next.

GL:  How do you feel about Briggs pull out with pneumonia, do you think that  it's legitimate?

SI:  I don't know what happened.  I worked hard.  I was ready for this fight. It was cancelled. He would have been surprised by me.  We're working,altogether, he was working, we were working. Then they cancelled the fight. He talked too much, and I hope that one day I will see him in the ring.  I'll give him a big surprise one day.

GL:  Javier Mora, do you know much about him?  Have you seen him on tape?

SI:  I saw his tape.  He's a very strong guy.  He's a young, strong guy.  This time it will be a tough fight, because he's a very strong guy.  I saw all his fights. 

GL:  Are you hoping that Shannon Briggs is next after this?  I know you're taking this one fight at a time, but are you hoping that after this your next fight will be for the title, and there's no more pulling out, or postponements?

SI:  You're right.  I'm thinking about this fight now.  After this fight we'll see.  I hope to show him in the ring.  He talked too much, I hope to show him  in the ring.  He will see what I do in the ring.

GL:  Do you think this fight is going the distance?

SI:  This fight will go the distance.  I saw him fight. This guy's very strong, has a good chin. It'll go straight for 10 rounds.

GL:  I wish you the best of luck on Saturday, I appreciate your time.  Is there  anything you want to say to the fans in closing?

SI:  Thank you.  You'll see a good tough fight on Saturday night.