Video Transcription: Lennox Lewis

By G. Leon


Video Transcription: Lennox Lewis

GL:  This is why we're hot.  Just because we got an exclusive invite to the Emperor's suite to do a little two to three minute update.  Telling you what's the latest and greatest with him, as well as sharing his thoughts on the big megafight  next week in Vegas.  Let's get right to it, tell us what you think about De La Hoya and Mayweather.  It's less then a week away.  "It's an interesting fight.  I think Mayweather's  got a lot of speed.  He's young and very quick.  Oscar is preparing himself to fight a good fight.  He's got the power, he's got the left hook, the right hand.  He's got the experience.  Whether that can catch a guy that can't be caught, which is Mayweather.  That's what we have to see in the fight.  It's going to be really interesting." 

GL:  The Mayweather-De La Hoya fight has gotten a lot of coverage in this 24/7 series.  You're one half of the biggest fight in the history of boxing, the highest grossing fight, you and Mike Tyson five years ago.  Being half of that promotion, how do you see this fight going?  Do you think it's going to surpass your fight with Tyson?  Do you think it could compete with it, come close to it?  In the terms of how big it is, how do you compare it?

LL:  Let me tell you a funny story behind that.  My friends are saying they want to go to the fight, and if I can get them tickets.  I've only got a couple of tickets, the rest you have  to buy.  So, they went out to buy the tickets and said the prices were mad.  I went out and made a couple of phone calls to find out how much the tickets cost.  I said, "Geez, these tickets are expensive."  They said, "Lennox, your tickets were more."  What I'm saying is it's definitely on the way.  If it's not going to be close, it will definitely be there.  Everybody's been talking about this particular fight.  It's been a long time since people have been up for a really good fight.  I think this is one that is going to make them really excited about it.

GL:  How important do you think it is for the sport for this fight to live up to the expectations, with all the hype leading up to the event?

LL:  I think it's very important.  Hype is part of the battle, and fans out there can't be fooled anymore.  They want to see a real good fight.  In this fight you've got two really good combatants.  They're very experienced and well schooled, so you're going to get a terrific fight.  There's no doubt about that.

GL:  Who do you like?

LL:  I like Mayweather.  Like I said, he's got so much talent.  He almost plays with it.  He plays a game of cat and mouse with you.  He kind of shows you, "I've got so much talent,  I can be in front of you and you still can't hit me."   He's right there, and then when they go to punch him, he's not.  So, he's got some good talent.  I hear him talking about retirement.  What's really important to him is that big O.  After how many wins and losses he has, which is very important to him.  That's a great goal to have.  I remember when I had that big O.  That's all I can say, live it up right now.

GL:  We remember when you were the real heavyweight champ.  When my webmaster called a little while ago, you introduced yourself as the real champ.  Since our last on the record discussion,  Vitali Klitschko  has decided to return to boxing.

LL:  Yeah, that's unusual, because he said that he would only return if Lennox Lewis returned in the ring.  Well, I haven't returned.  He's returned.  It's going to be difficult for him, especially retiring from boxing with a whole heap of injuries.  Now he's taken some time off,  he's saying he's going to come back.  I wish him the best.  It's going to be difficult, it's not going to be easy, because I've done that.  It's going to be frustrating for him.  Especially when he trains for a fight and ends up with an injury again, because that's what usually happens.

GL:  You've done that, and you won't do it again?   

LL:  I don't really injure that easy.  Like I said, boxing is the survival of the fittest.  When you're training and getting injured, and it's affecting your performance in the fight, you have to know when to call it a day.

GL:  Are you ever coming back?

LL:  Yeah, you'll definitely see me in boxing, but not in the ring.

GL:  That's what we mean, in the ring.  You know what we mean, man.

LL:  If you really miss me, just turn on You Tube. 

GL:  We'll have to You Tube and ESPN Classic it up?

LL:  People have seen some of my old time classic fights, and didn't realize that Mercer fight was a tough fight.  It's interesting seeing myself as an old time classic fighter, a legendary boxer.  I'm happy that I see it, it give me fond memories of being in the ring.  When I was in that situation, when I see an old fight, I can remember certain things around it.  Like I was sick in training camp, or that guy caught me with a good punch.  Boy, that guy was a real tough hombre that I fought.  Different things about fights, that when I watch myself, I dream about and think about.

GL:  That's what it is.  We're going to have a lot more of the Emperor on BoxingTalk in the coming weeks.  We'll probably see him next week in Vegas, if we're lucky.  In the meantime, give us some closing thoughts for the fans, and we'll wrap this short.

LL:  Closing thoughts for the fans.  Bless, we should all say a prayer once in a while, and we should all do a good deed.  A knowing good deed, so we send some positive vibes out there.  When you see somebody, great them in such a way.  Instead of hello, which is negative hell, why meet somebody and say hell, say blessings or greetings.

GL:  Blessings from the Emperor.

LL:  Yes.