Video Transcription: Glen Johnson

By Socrates Palmer Jr.


Video Transcription: Glen Johnson

BT: here with the former light heavyweight champion of the world, Glen Johnson.  What brings you here tonight? "We fought against Montell Griffin.  We had an 11th round stoppage.  It was a great fight and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next."

BT:  In your fight against Montell Griffin, how would you asses your performance?

GJ:  I give myself an 8.  You know ten our of eight,  so that's pretty good.  Eight out of ten, I mean.

BT:  Montell Griffin has a very awkward style.  Would you agree?

GJ:  Yes, he's a difficult guy to hit.  He moves his head around, and makes himself small.  He's already a small guy.  Eventually I broke him down, and ended up stopping him. 

BT:  The win was good for you because it was on television, the world saw it.  What's next for Glen Johnson?

GJ:  Right now we're tring to get a major fight, like a Roy Jones, or even something with Bernard Hopkins.  We know these guys are trying to avoid me.  We'll see what we can get done. 

BT:  Do you think that it's a long awaited rematch against Bernard?

GJ:  That is a rematch that the people would like to see. It's something that I would like to happen, because Bernard and I fought back when I was green.  I'm a more seasoned fighter now, and I'd just like everyone to see how far I've come since then.

BT:  How about trying for a title shot with one of the champions that are out there?

GJ:  My reputation speaks for itself.  If they want me to fight a champion, I'll be there the next day.

BT:  What are your thoughts on next weeks light heavyweight title fight between Chad Dawson and Antonio Tarver?

GJ:  I really don't know much about the guys who are fighting.  Chad has some good potential, he has good handspeed.  He won the championship, he deserves respect for that.  We all know that Antonio Tarver is a scary man, he's a big coward running around trying to see if he can avoid me.  I don't know much about him, but we'll see what happens.  Let's wait and see how those fights turn out.

BT:  Do you think that Tarver owes you the courtesy of a rubber match?

GJ:   He doesn't owe me anything, but it is the thing to do.   The people would love to see it.  Just from a pride standpoint, I would like to think that he would want to seperate himself from me. We have one win between the both of us.  I have a win, he has a win.  I think that if you want to seperate yourself, and call yourself the best, then get back in the ring, and get the second win. That's what will seperate the two fighters.  I don't think he has the balls.  He know that if he steps in the ring, he's going to get knocked out.  That's the reason that he's trying to avoid me.

BT:  I know you want big fights, but sometimes that doesn't happen.  Is there a time frame for when you'd like to get back in the ring?

GJ:  I would like to get back in the ring in the next three months.  We're trying to work on something in Miami, we're looking to fight.  If that doesn't hppen, we'll look for something probably at the Hard Rock.  Right now we're just negotiating, let's see what happens.  

BT:  Is there anything you'd like to say to the BoxingTalk audience in closing?

GJ:  Sure, the BoxingTalk audience being very patient with me, supporting me for as many years as they have.  I'm very thankful to them.  I'm going to give you guys a lot to be excited about in the coming years. 


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