Video Transcription: Christian Mijares

By Socrates Palmer Jr.


Video Transcription: Christian Mijares

BT: here with world champion, Christian Mijares, who's fresh off a victory over Jorge Arce.  Christian, how has your life changed since that victory? "My life has changed tremendously since my victory over Arce, in Mexico.  I beat an idol.  Now, in Mexico, I'm starting to become a household name."

BT:  You said that Arce was an idol, what now?  Have you reached your peak, or is there something else now that you're going for?

CM:  Although it is a great victory, beating Jorge Arce, now I have to top myself.  I want to be known as Christian Mijares, the fighter, not the guy who beat Jorge Arce.

BT:  Were you surprised by how easily you defeated Arce?

CM:  Actually, I expected a tougher fight.  It just happened to go that way.

BT:  I imagine you've enjoyed your victory.  So, what's next for you?

CM:  I'm going to be fighting July 13th, in Mexico.  It's a title fight.

BT:  You mentioned being a household name in Mexico.  Do you think it will be hard for you to make a name for yourself out here?

CM:  I'm a household name in Mexico, I hope to become one here as well, despite my weight class.

BT:  Are there any names that you're looking to fight?

CM:  Victor Darchynion and Martin Castillo.

BT:  Darchynion has been calling out Arce, I haven't heard him calling you out.  Do you think he's afraid of your style?

CM:  He probably sees Arce's style as easier to take.  It's a different fight with me.

BT:  Any closing thoughts for the BoxingTalk fans?

CM:  Thank you, and I appreciate all the support I've gotten from my fans.