Vernon Forrest to exercise immediate rematch clause with Mora

By G. Leon


Vernon Forrest to exercise immediate rematch clause with Mora

GL: That wasn't what you were expecting [a majority decision loss to Sergio Mora]. What went wrong Vernon?

Vernon Forrest: "Basically everything. It was one of those situations where I remember listening to Paul Williams after the [first Carlos] Quintana fight where he was talking about how he couldn't get off. Everybody was looking for an elaborate explanation on why he couldn't get off, but he couldn't and I just had one of those identical nights."

GL: Not only could you not get off, but midway through the fight, you were winded. Has that ever happened to you after six rounds? What was going through your mind?

VF: "I got winded real fast and I was surprised. I was like what round is this, I know when I normally get winded and then my second wind kicks in. I asked what round it was and they were asking why I wasn't doing certain things and I was winded. My mind is telling me to get off with what we worked on, but my body just wouldn't do it."

GL: Was there anything about Mora that surprised you?

VF: "Nah, he did everything I expected him to do. He was going to maximize his ability and that's what he did. He came in the way a champion should and he won it. I don't know if I lost it more than he won it, but he got the decision, but we got a rematch clause so we got to do it again."

GL: Why didn't you mention this on Showtime when they asked you what was next? You said you were going to back to the drawing board.

VF: "It's an immediate rematch clause. When I used the phrase going back to the drawing board I was talking about in terms of doing what I had to do, not my position. My position was we had a rematch clause going into the fight. I always have a rematch clause and I plan on exercising that clause immediately."

GL: Are you embarrassed with the outcome after all of the talking you did heading into the fight?

VF: "Not at all, when you talk the talk you got to walk the walk, I didn't walk last night, but I will next time."

GL: Will you talk the talk the same way going into the rematch?

VF: "For the next one I'm going to do less talking and more fighting."

GL: How much of a setback is this?

VF: "It's a bump in the road. It's more of an embarrassing thing than anything. I know I"m a much better fighter than I displayed that night. I want to apologize to all of my fans who have been following me all these years. I really felt like I stunk up the joint. It was a horrible experience and a horrible fight. I will atone for that and I will make it up."

GL: Was there any difficulty making 154 pounds?

VF: "The last couple of pounds might have hurt me. I had to go into the steam room to lose the last two pounds and that might have taken the starch out of me. I was trying to make myself box and get on my toes and I couldn't even do that. The starch was gone and I felt like a wet noodle."

GL: In you heart of hearts do you think you won the fight?

VF: "In my heart of hearts, I think I should have won the fight. I'm won't take away from his win, because he fought a very smart tactical fight. He won the fight, the judges felt he won. No matter how I feel the record books are going to say what they're going to say, so that's what it is."

GL: What's the earliest this rematch might take place?

VF: "September."

GL: Closing thoughts?

VF: "I truly apologize to my fans for that performance. It was the worst fight of my career because I wasn't able to do what I was supposed to do. I wasn't able to execute anything and I really feel as though as I stunk out the joint and let a lot of people down. I promise I'll make it up to you for the rematch. Stay tuned to Boxingtalk, the best boxing website hands down."


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