Press Release: After losing decisively to Sam Peter in a heavyweight battle in Florida on Saturday, James Toney seemed to be in denial, claiming he deserved the decision. “Nobody knocks James Toney out. Nobody. I came all the way from middleweight. I’m still the best fighter out there. I give him [Peter] three rounds at the most. I took his best shots. I’m still standing." Meanwhile, Peter was elated but modest at the same time. “This was my best fight. I fight the best. The South Florida camp Don King made me do was great. He didn’t let me stay in Las Vegas. I had a great training camp. I even missed Christmas. I ran on the beach for the first time and I loved it. I had a great team. I trained hard. Toney is a very slick guy. He trained hard and is crafty. I’m not the best heavyweight yet. I have to give the world champions credit, they have the belts. But I am going to be the best and take the belts from them all. I have great jab. It’s like a right hand. Toney kept saying, ‘Hit me, hit me’ and I hit him. It will be sweet to be the very first heavyweight world champion from Africa.” Peter's lead promoter Dino Duva outlined Peter's next target, saying, “we will challenge any of the champions but we will clearly challenge [WBC titlist Oleg] Maskaev first."