The ultimate respect for a cutman

By Scott Shaffer


The ultimate respect for a cutman

Maddalone flies stranded Milano to Houston on private jet

New Jersey based Danny Milano received about the highest compliment a cutman could possibly receive today, a boxer who considers him absolutely indispensable to his corner and will go any length to have him in the corner when the bell sounds. Milano has long been a fixture in the corner of heavyweight Vinnie Maddalone, who has the fight of his life against Evander Holyfield tonight in Corpus Christi, Texas. Things got complicated when the loyal Milano worked Maureen Shea's corner on the John Duddy undercard in New York City last night and planned to catch a 5 AM flight out to Houston to be with the easily-cut Maddalone. Unfortunately, snow hit the northeast, crippling air transportation in and out of the New York City area and Milano's flight was cancelled. He was willing to drive to Philadelphia to hop on another flight, but nothing was available. While there is no shortage of other cutmen in Texas, Maddalone and his managers, the Lancellotti brothers, spared no expense in order to take their best shot at beating the legendary Holyfield. When Milano called with the bad news that he was stranded, Team Maddalone along with A. Duddle Industries got busy in a hurry, and arranged to have a private jet flown from Florida to White Plains, New York to fetch Milano and get him to Houston. Milano is aboard the plane as this story is being posted, and he hopes to arrive in time to work Maddalone's corner. Judging from Maddalone's past fights, Milano's skills will almost certainly be needed.Â