Ten Questions with 2008 United States Olympian Javier Molina


Ten Questions with 2008 United States Olympian Javier Molina

Press Release: Ten Questions with 2008 United States Light Welterweight Olympian Javier Molina

(BEIJING, CHINA) – The youngest member of the United States Olympic Boxing Team, light welterweight Javier Molina (Commerce, Calif.) nearly made his trip to Beijing a family affair as twin brother Oscar won a spot on the Mexican Olympic Team. Yet Oscar fell one victory short of qualifying internationally, and Javier will compete in Beijing without his twin brother.

The close-knit Molina family will arrive in China in time for Molina’s first bout and they talk often by phone. Yet Molina continues to focus on his dream of winning Olympic gold, and despite only being 18-years-old, the California teenager has remained focused on the upcoming competition. He took a few minutes prior to his second to last sparring session to share his feelings on the upcoming Olympics.

1. How are you feeling now just a couple days out from the Opening Ceremonies?

I’m excited, I’m focused. I’m trying to get every single detail of my boxing perfected so I can go out there and perform.

2. How has being on the ground here in China affected your training?

Besides my being more focused, it really hasn’t affected it that much. We are on the same schedule and we have been doing the same things we have the past couple of months.

3. What is the most challenging part of being here in Beijing?

Waiting, it seems like it has been taking forever. I guess because we came so early, I thought it would go by a little faster. It’s been taking forever, but now it’s almost here.

4. What is your favorite thing about China so far?

Staying at the Olympic Village with Olympians from all the different countries and being able to communicate with them.

5. What was the one thing you wanted to make sure you brought to China?


6. What is a typical day like here for you in Beijing?

Wake up, go to plyometrics and get a little rest or call my family back at home. Go workout in the afternoon and go back and relax and try to stay focused.

7. Are any family and friends coming to China to support you?

My parents, three of my brothers (including twin brother Oscar), my coach and his wife, and my brother’s wife as well as another friend from the gym.

8. What does being an Olympian mean to you?

It means a lot to me. Since I was a little kid, I’ve been watching the Olympics and the opening ceremony so being in this position I’m in now, I want to make sure to take advantage of it.

9. What is your favorite thing to eat here?


10. What can people expect to see from you when you finally take the ring at the Workers Indoor Arena?

I’m going to go in there and give it 100%, I’m going to give it my all, I’m not goiing to back down.