Team Rios fires back at “Gato” Figueroa

By. Ray O. Campbell Jr.


Team Rios fires back at “Gato” Figueroa

Alejandro: Were going to shut him mouth Saturday night!

RC: Angel, how has everything been leading up to the fight?
AA: Everything has been real good leading up to the fight. We have been at weight for over three weeks now so there isn’t struggle and nothing new. We are just waiting to go into the garden and for Joey to do his thing.

RC: This is a pretty big fight for Joey, fighting another up and coming talented prospect in Madison Square Garden debut. What’s Joey disposition been like leading up to this fight?
AA:  Nothing different at all, it is just another day in the office for him. Other than Gato talking **explicit** it really doesn’t mean anything, that makes the fight interesting but that is about it.

RC: Has some of the things Figueroa said motivated Joey at all?
AA: Nah he has sort of been laughing at him, I mean that was the same thing he said before (Francisco) Rincon knocked him out. We were there when he was talking all this trash at the weigh in, and he ended up getting knocked out by Rincon who was 8-1. We also remember talking garbage when he lost to a guy (Troy Wilson) that was 2-0 in Georgia, who’s record now is 6-4. I don’t understand where he gets off talking so hard when he has been beaten by a 2-0 fighter. I really don’t get the macho **explicit**
because he is definitely not macho when it comes to the Bronx, he is real tame when he comes in front of us. But I guess to reporters and people that don’t know him, he has to sell himself because nobody in NY is buying it, well maybe somebody on the internet, maybe somebody in Iowa will believe what he is saying.

RC: There seems to be more tension than some may realize between the two camps. At one point, from what I understand you were working with Figueroa, what…
AA: (Cutting in) No No No, I never trained Figueroa, Frankie Figueroa came to me after he got knocked out in Poughkeepsie when he made $1500, Joey fought on that card and brought home $7,000. So he came to me crying about getting raped and getting beat up. He also came to me because he was homeless and he was living… we actually we hooked him up, Ricardo Figueroa let him stay with his brother in an attic or a basement or something, so he is the type of kid that is like a little leech, he goes around to gyms looking for help and listen I am up for helping out a fighter but not when they burn bridges like him.

RC: Where does all of this bad blood actually come from?
AA: It comes from his trash talking, I mean here is a guy that doesn’t have a pot to piss in, he fights for peanuts, and talks about he is the best fighter in New York, I mean look at his record. Then he talks about how his sparring is so great. He is a sparring partner, if he was that good, he says he has sparred with Vivian Harris, he said he has sparred with Ricky Hatton; he said he sparred with Arturo Gatto. If that is the case then why didn’t any of them help him? Why its because of the type of person he is.

He talks to a lot of **explicit**, here is a guy that comes to us begging us for help. I remember him begging me to talk to Joey’s manager to help him, and now he goes around talking garbage. now I understand he is trying to pump himself. Then he says that the only place Joey sells tickets is the Bronx, and that New York is behind him. He fought at the Hammerstein Ballroom and sold twenty tickets, and out of those twenty, fifteen of them Ricardo Figueroa helped him sell.

RC: As a fighter, ability wise what do you think of him and how do you feel he matches up against Joey?
AA: He is talking tough and if he comes into the ring talking tough it will be a good fight. But he is not known for that, he is known for running around like a little **explicit**. He could do that, he is also known… here is a guy that had a hard time with a fighter (Maximino Cuevas) that was 7-2, he got a split decision with a 7-2 guy. I know he hangs out with a few reporters so they write him up a lot and that is pretty good, it is good publicity but it has nothing to do with getting into the ring.

RC: Give us your thoughts on Figueroa’s KO prediction for this fight? And give us your prediction on the matchup?
AA: I think Joey is going to win this fight, and I think it is going to be alot easier than everybody expects. I don’t understand his KO predictions; I don’t understand what he is talking about. He aint knocking anybody out, I mean this guy has been on his **explicit** more times than Joey has. How can he say that he is going to knock Joey out, how many times has he hit the canvas?

RC: In the interview conducted here on with Socrates Palmer, he mentioned that he pretty much had his way with Joey during the couple of sparring sessions the two had. What can you tell us about those sessions?
AA: I don’t recall a sparring session. I don’t even know what he is talking about. Was it another one of those days that he came to out gym begging us to help him? I don’t know what he is talking about. They NEVER sparred! The guy (Figueroa) is his biggest fan and that’s very good. The only person that believes Gato’s shit is Gato. Why don’t you ask one of his five trainers how good he really is. Ask Tito, Ask Chocko, ask Chelo he had had to many to even remember all of them.. I mean he did a whole big documentary on how he loves Chelo and then he left Chelo and goes to Florida. He just met these people three weeks ago and he signed with them. What’s the name of the group he signed with, I know it was in Socrates’ story.

RC: A south based company called SeeNo Group.
AA: It should be see no money, because Gato sees no money. Because he don’t get no money. It if wasn’t for him fighting Joey Rios, the only way he would get into the Garden is if he would get in to the garden is if he joined the **explicit** circus and became a clown.

Don’t believe him in his articles, he was not the first opponent, he did not pick us, we chose him. When Santana wouldn’t fight us we chose him because he has a big mouth.  So him and his see no money group can come to town, loose your belt and I say belt because his WBC Intercontinental Mundo Hispano Welterweight belt isn’t even apart of the WBC. So the only belt we will be fighting for is the NYS Jr. Welterweight title. So after this fight he can go back to being homeless and go back to what you use to do, go back to gym to gym. Ask him how can he call himself the champion and he is making less than half the money for this fight than Joey is

RC: What can we expect from Joey com Saturday night?
AA: Joey has been in shape for three weeks, anyone that has ever seen Joey fight knows he comes in shape, he is all business and he fights. He doesn’t get tired in the third round; he doesn’t get tired in the fourth. He doesn’t flop on the floor and ask the ref for help. Gato actual said one thing right when he said Joey is textbook boxing. Gato, would be text book boxing but he cant even **explicit** read. We are going to shut his mouth on November 11th.


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