Taylor-Wright II falling apart faster than it seemed to be coming together!

By G. Leon


Taylor-Wright II falling apart faster than it seemed to be coming together!

WINKY TO TAYLOR: 50-50 or no fight!

Over the past couple of days there has been a buzz throughout the boxing world about the Jermain Taylor-Winky Wright rematch taking place later this year on HBO PPV. After both Taylor and Wright came on the record making it clear that they want the fight, the business reps for both fighters opened discussions to see if an agreeement could be reached. Offers were made to Wright, which the former junior middleweight king is unwilling to accept. Although Wright is being offered nearly two million dollars more than he was guaranteed for the first Taylor fight, the Winkster says, "there's no way the fight is happening unless it's 50-50. I took the 55-45 split for the first fight just to prove that I'm the best middleweight out there. I don't think fans should blame Jermain but the people behind him need to come up with a 50-50 offer otherwise there's not going to be a fight! This isn't about how much more I'm making for this fight, this is about me getting treated fairly. I've been taking shorts my whole career and now that I've proven myself they got to do right by me." With the Taylor fight seeming far less likely than it did after yesterday's discussion, Boxingtalk asked Wright who he would be fighting on HBO World Championship and according to the pride of St. Pete's, Ike Quartey appears to be the frontrunner as this goes to print. When informed of Wright's comments, Taylor promoter Lou DiBella told Boxingtalk, "I say this with love, he ain't never fighting Jermain unless he leaves planet Winky to return to planet earth." Taylor advisor Ozell Nelson and Golden Boy CEO Richard Schaefer, who is currently out of the country, were unavailable for immediate comment. Remember where you heard it first! (6:26 PM EST)