Tarvis Simms Ready for Any Top Ten Fighter

By Darren Nichols


Tarvis Simms Ready for Any Top Ten Fighter

"Ray Joval is scared to death of me!"

BoxingTalk:  What’s the latest and greatest with the exciting Tarvis Simms?

Tarvis Simms:  Just training hard hoping that something comes along soon.  I heard Kelly Pavlik was looking to get me in the mix.  We would love to fight him.  I’m in top condition, so if he wants to make it happen, we would be obliged.

BoxingTalk:  You have fought twice in the past three years.  What’s kept you out of action, and not fighting as much as you have wanted?

Tarvis Simms:  As usual with most fighters, there have been issues with promoters, which will probably never go away. I was also supposed to fight on ESPN on January 18 and that fell apart due to a bunch of reasons outside of my control. We were supposed to fight Ray Joval, but he's scared to death of me. They tried to say it was some hand injury, but then I heard his hand was fine because he was working out in New York.

BoxingTalk:  Are you concerned at all about ring rust when you get back in the ring?

Tarvis Simms:  Ring rust does play a factor with some fighters, but with me it’s the opposite.  I have had the time to prepare and stay in shape and stay sharp.  If I’m willing to get in the ring with Pavlik, then I must be ready and prepared.

BoxingTalk:  Who would you like to go up against to prove that you are one to be reckoned with in the middleweight division?

Tarvis Simms:  Any of the top ten fighters out there.  Any of them!

BoxingTalk:  We are still early in 2008.  How many times would you like to fight during this year?

Tarvis Simms:  I’d like to fight as much as possible.  Any promoter looking to put me in for eight to twelve rounds, I’m ready.

BoxingTalk:  Do you feel you are at your best by staying in the middleweight division?

Tarvis Simms:  When I’m in condition we might consider going down to 154, but we’re focusing on middleweights right now.

BoxingTalk:  What do you think will be the biggest improvement we will see when you step in the ring next?

Tarvis Simms:  You won’t see as much movement throughout the ring.  I’m going to make my opponents miss by staying in the pocket, and going to the body a lot.  Anyone wanting to make a fight hit me up.

BoxingTalk:  Do you have a message for the middleweight division?

Tarvis Simms:  Everyone in the top ten is on my radar.  You have these guys who don’t want to fight each other for what ever reason.  Tarvis Simms is ready to go and put on a show.


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