T.N.T. Chat Transcript: Mikkel Kessler

Original chat session on July 18, 2006


T.N.T. Chat Transcript: Mikkel Kessler

"I want to come here and show people that Denmark has some real fighters."

thehype: Boxingtalk would like to welcome Mikkel Kessler to tonight's T.N.T. chat session

Titlebelt: Mikkel, Great to have you here on BoxingTalk. After capturing the WBA Super Middleweight Title, was team Kessler ever in negotiations with the Calzaghe/Lacy camp, in an effort to unify the belts? If so, what happened?

MIKKEL_KESSLER: Yep. Before the WBC fight we were, but I don't think that they want to fight me. They said it's a money problem, but I think they just don't want to fight me.

ErikMorales: Hey Mikkel i met you at the Lacy Calzaghe fight with my friend we came up to you at the bar and got a pic with you, just wanted to say it was awesome meeting you and you came accross as a genuine nice guy, good luck champ. CHRIS

MIKKEL_KESSLER: I remember that...thanks.

lacyfan716: Mikkel you have yet to be Heavily promoted in the us if you beat beyer for the title is your team planning a us promotional fight or 2 to create some intrest for a bigger unification fight?

MIKKEL_KESSLER: Of course. I always say one fight at a time and I just have to win this Beyer fight and then we'll see what happens. Of course I want to come here and show people that Denmark has some real fighters.

CarlosDK: After Rudy Markussen turned down the chance to fight Beyer, do you see him as a likely future opponent - Or are you looking for bigger things, it would be pretty big for us here in Denmark though.

MIKKEL_KESSLER: If I should fight Rudy...but I've known him all my life. If he's the number one contender. Of course I want to fight everybody, but I'm looking for bigger fights than Rudy.

MIKKEL_KESSLER: He doesn't have any belts, but I plan on winning over Beyer and if that happens, I would love to unify with Calzaghe.

MIKKEL_KESSLER: Right now, I'm only focused on Markus Beyer. He's the only thing in my head right now.

_The_Don_: Kessler are you going to stay at Supermiddleweight your whole career or move up?

MIKKEL_KESSLER: Of course I want to fight all the big boys. If I have to go down, I would go down and if I have to go up, I will go up. Of course my best weight is super middleweight and that's where I'm strongest. I haven't tried light heavyweight or middle, but I'd do what it takes to be the best in the world.

Titlebelt: Mikkel, What's your opinion of Beyer's skills in the ring, and how do you see your matchup with him playing out?

MIKKEL_KESSLER: It's difficult becuase he's a difficult fighter. He doesn't look so good on television, but when you get in the ring with him he's awkward. I have seen the fight with Danny Greene and he lost to him twice and that says something about Markus Beyer. I always thought Green would knock him out in three rounds, but he's not that stupid and I have a lot of respect for him.

ErikMorales: hey Mikkel, would you deem Jeff Lacy a worthy opponent at this current time after u beat Beyer (i know you said Joe would beat Lacy), if not what fighter out there would you like to fight to get that international recognition

MIKKEL_KESSLER: I think that after Lacy lost to Calzaghe, people don't look at him the same way because he's not that fighter we thought he was.

MIKKEL_KESSLER: We all thought he was a mini-Tyson, but he showed nothing against Calzaghe in my opinion.

lacyfan716: I know you take things one fight at a time But who's the guy you wanna fight the most a guy whose style you know you could exploit that is considered one of the elites at supermiddle?

MIKKEL_KESSLER: Joe Calzaghe, if he wants to fight me.

CarlosDK: Correct me if im wrong, but when you were in the US for one of Bredahls camps you sparred with Andrade, how do you see your chances against him in a fight?

MIKKEL_KESSLER: The thing was, when I sparred him in LA he wasn't in shape and I was. We had some good sparring, but I was in much better shape and it showed during the sparring. He's a great fighter and I respect him a lot, but his little brother is also a good fighter that you don't hear about, but he's good too. Librado is a very physical, strong fighter.

MIKKEL_KESSLER: When a guy isn't in shape you can't really tell what he's got.

thehype: How about a future fight with Jermain Taylor....wooooooooooo

MIKKEL_KESSLER: I'm ready when he is. We could meet half way.

MIKKEL_KESSLER: 164 sounds fine with me.

thehype: wooooooooooooooooo



MIKKEL_KESSLER: It's a lot easier to continue watching it than pursue it, but you should go to the nearest gym and start hitting some bags and work from there.

_The_Don_: Mr. Kessler personally after you destroy the myth of Calzaghe...I like to see you and the future Lt Heavyweight King Chad Dawson face off... your in your prime and that would be a great fight by mid-late 2008

MIKKEL_KESSLER: That's a future question, but you're right, I'm ready for him too when the time comes.

observer: Apologies if this was asked before, but how do you see your fight with Beyer turning out? Do you think Beyer will try to circle around you, or get inside?

MIKKEL_KESSLER: I think he will try to run a little bit, but maybe he will go to my body a lot.

MIKKEL_KESSLER: He did that with Green and he's a tall fighter too, but the difference between me and Danny is I'm going to cut him off in the corners.

observer: thank you Mikkel


hitman_hatton1: beyer has been getting away with it recently, please end his title reign mikkel. lol would u be prepared to fight calzaghe in the uk and is that your no1 target after the beyer fight??

MIKKEL_KESSLER: Of course I would and yes he is the number one target. We already tried to go there and make it, but whenever's he is ready I will go over there to fight him.

CarlosDK: You had problems with your back in the past, has it gotten better or is it still something you have to worry about?

MIKKEL_KESSLER: Of course I have to worry about it. I have two disc problems, but I have a great physical therapist and we're on top of it. I'm in good hands and my back feels as good as it can. It feels perfect.

thehype: Boxingtalk would like to thank Mikkel Kessler for taking time out to chat with us tonight

MIKKEL_KESSLER: Thanks for coming out tonight and asking me questions. I hope to be on here again.