T.N.T. Chat Transcript: Ishe Smith & Tarick Salmaci

Original chat session on November 1, 2005


T.N.T. Chat Transcript: Ishe Smith & Tarick Salmaci

"One tune up, and I will fight anybody...hopefully Ouma can get it done on May 6!"

Thehype: Boxingtalk would like to welcome Tarick Salmaci and Ishe Smith from “The Contender”

Tarick_Salmaci: what up Ishe?

Sugarshay: what’s up fellas?

Sugarshay: guys and girls

boxingguy: what's up ishe, tarick?

Sugarshay: I just watched me and Judah's amateur tape tonight

Sugarshay: I want my rematch Super

boxingguy: how did the fight go down with Judah sugar?

Sugarshay: I lost a 2-1 dec, I want my rematch next year

TRINIDAD: Hey Ishe, how is you and your family?

Sugarshay: they're good, thanks for asking

mavv: sergio is the best

Sugarshay: Mora is a bum

Tarick_Salmaci: ok ok we love mora too maw

Tarick_Salmaci: no Mora is good people

Sugarshay: Mora is a bum fighter

boxingguy: any fights on the horizon for either of you guys?

Sugarshay: none as of yet for me, I cant speak for Tarick

Tarick_Salmaci: working on Joey Gilbert fight lol

mavv: I thought you didnt want to do no more contender fights Ishe? if you're all that then fight mora

Sugarshay: Mora wouldn’t fight me if they gave him another meal ticket

boxingguy: Tarick, when's your fight with Gilbert supposed to take place?

Tarick_Salmaci: I hope in Jan or Feb.

boxingguy: do you know where?

Tarick_Salmaci: either Detroit or Reno

Sugarshay: T, you know Gilbert isn’t going to fight u

boxingguy: Ishe, would you go down to 147 for Judah?

Sugarshay: I can’t make it

CoryR: hey Ishe.....has anyone at the contender approached you about fighting Sergio or Alphonso?

Sugarshay: Nope

Sugarshay: neither one of them

nardfan: Ishe, what do you walk around at.

Sugarshay: 175

mavv: Ishe, I like your fighting and think you have some skills, but you don’t give any props to people that bested you

mavv: its about sportsmanship

CoryR: I've heard that Ishe never got bested by Sergio

Sugarshay: one person beat me on a spilt decision that was fake, why should I give him props?

nardfan: What do you walk around at Tarick

Tarick_Salmaci: 185

Tarick_Salmaci: but I’m 6’1"

Tarick_Salmaci: but my natural weight class is 168

8========D: is randall bailey your toughest test?

Sugarshay: yea bailey was tough

8========D: do you think Ouma would beat you down?

8========D: that guy is a beast

Sugarshay: last I checked, Ouma got served

Sugarshay: by Roman

Sugarshay: Hype call up Oscar and make the fight happen Baby

awesomeald: Tarick, how do you feel about your boy Pete moving up to Super

Tarick_Salmaci: I think Manfredo should stay at middleweight

Tarick_Salmaci: he is small for super middleweight

AKay: Did your new baby arrive yet? you know what its going to be?

Sugarshay: Not yet Akay

shanemc: Tarick how many amateur fights did u have??

Tarick_Salmaci: 148

mavv: Ouma would rock you Ishe

Sugarshay: Ouma can’t beat me on my worst day, he gets hit too much

mavv: Ishe.... is your wife an ordained minister?

Sugarshay: Nope, were just Christians

shanemc: Tarick what is the most u have made in a fight?

Tarick_Salmaci: 100 grand

nardfan: Ishe or Tarick who you got Vargas or Mosley

Sugarshay: Mosley

Tarick_Salmaci: Vargas, I think he is too big for sugar

Sugarshay: they're both shot

Sugarshay: I got Mosley though

AKay: Ishe Goossen got you looking real good man

Sugarshay: Yo the Goosse is the truth man

Angel_Salter: Ishe u are 2 good for the Contender and I'm glad u left and I look forward to a Sugar Shay" year in 2006"

Sugarshay: thanks

Sugarshay: I just want one tune up, and me and Ouma can make it happen next May

Angel_Salter: Sugar Shay will put The Dream in a nightmare

Angel_Salter: Ishe can beat Ouma, Ouma is overhyped

Sugarshay: please why you guys give this cat so much credit

Sugarshay: he got blasted by Karmazin

Angel_Salter: Ouma is good but he is nothing great

Sugarshay: I fought way better southpaws in the amateurs

Sugarshay: including Zab

Sugarshay: who has Ouma beat is the question

Sugarshay: Ouma only beat Kofi and I think Kofi would beat him in a rematch

Sugarshay: I can see a close dec lost, but this cat got destroyed by a c level fighter

shanemc: who have u beat I asked?

Sugarshay: Bailey, Estrada, my amateur record is better than Ouma’s pro record

oakman: Ishe how about Santos or Mayorga at 154. Who would be a tougher

Sugarshay: Mayorga, because he is reckless

CoryR: Ishe, I heard Kenny Kost put a hurtin on you in the amateurs?

Sugarshay: please…Kenny who?

Sugarshay: Kenny Kost’s claim to fame was getting beat by me in the amateurs

oakman: Ishe what’s the highest you see yourself fighting at? 160? 168?

Sugarshay: neither

Sugarshay: 154

Angel_Salter: Ishe who do u think will win the Codrington Green fight

Sugarshay: That is a good fight man

Sugarshay: I can’t pick

thepype: ishe hows it being in California since being with Joe?

Sugarshay: It’s great; I am going to retire with the Gooss

Sugarshay: I like Joe man; he is perfect for my style

oakman: Ishe when is this tune up you speak of? Any details to impart?

Sugarshay: hopefully January

Angel_Salter: Ishe would u fight Santos?

Sugarshay: one tune up, and I will fight anybody...hopefully Ouma can get it done on May 6

boxingguy: Ishe, who do you think will win: Vitali or Rahman

Sugarshay: I want Rock to win

EnglandSS: Ishe, just a quick prediction on 2 up-coming British
fights....... Hatton - Maussa......... Danny Williams - Audley Harrison

Sugarshay: Harrison, Hatton

AKay: come on ishe, maussa is the troof man!

Sugarshay: Truthfully awful

shanemc: Ishe, how much can u bench press

Sugarshay: 285

Sugarshay: trying to get 3oolbs by next year

oakman: Sugar, PFP#1 right now Floyd or Winky?

Sugarshay: Floyd no doubt

shanemc: Ishe, what would u be doing if u were not boxing?

Sugarshay: Playing football

shanemc: what are you going to do after you retire from boxing??

Sugarshay: try out for arena football

shanemc: Ishe, what do u consider more credible a world title (not undisputed) or a Olympic gold?

Sugarshay: Olympic gold

harrio: ishe what are your goals to fight the best or unify the titles

Sugarshay: fight the best

oakman: If you want to fight the best, but Ouma is such trash, why bother fighting him?

Sugarshay: People like you consider Ouma the best, my job is to show he isn’t.

rog: ouma's the only one that can beat winky right now

Sugarshay: Ouma couldn’t beat Winky at checkers

may: winky vs. Ishe, I think easy winky just b/c his defense is impenetrable

Sugarshay: My body shots will wear him down

rog: who's more overrated Tarver or Winky

Sugarshay: neither

Angel_Salter: Ishe would u fight Cory SPinks?

Sugarshay: Cory who?

thepype: Ishe what is your promotional status as of now?

Sugarshay: Don’t know

thepype: still got beeeeef with Gary Shaw?

Sugarshay: Yo when Joey signed with Gary he had to do something to make it official

Sugarshay: Joey sat on Gary’s lap

Sugarshay: Why Gary didn’t ask me to sit on his lap :(

oakman: Judah has beat a distracted Corey Spinks and  nobody else. Most overrated fighter in the world. Mayweather buries him.

Sugarshay: I wanna evict Mayweather out of Vegas

Sugarshay: Time to go buddy, you out done ur welcome

Sugarshay: time to bounce Floyd

Sugarshay: We aint got no love for Mayweather in Vegas

may: the girls love mayweather in vegas

Sugarshay: please, if they love to get beaten

oakman: Shay when you see PBF, you tell him you have no love for him. No way you do it.

Sugarshay: not because of him, because of his thugs, I aint trying to get shot

rog: dlh or Mayorga

Sugarshay: DLH

rog: yeah mayorga's power is nothing at his new weight now

Sugarshay: Mayorga is a tuff man with power

Sugarshay: he wont beat DLH