Stoney Not Happy With James Toney and Boxingtalk!

By G. Leon


Stoney Not Happy With James Toney and Boxingtalk!

Stoney Sends e-mail, earns his own mailbag!

Through his publicist Bob Trieger, John Ruiz's manager Norman Stone sent Boxingtalk the following email, "Greg, Toney can say what he wants, but let’s keep racial slurs out of it. If we said anything like that (“Ruiz should get his dumb Puerto Rican ass in the gym”) about him, everybody would jump all over us. And you should be ashamed of yourself, LOL or not, for responding to a letter writer by saying, “You should be banned from the mailbag for saying you hope Ruiz keeps his belt longer.” You both should be banned from the Internet for making and printing racial slurs. Norman “Stoney” Stone Manager/Head Trainer, John Ruiz"

Leon's Response: Stoney, hope all is well, particularly with regards to your recently operated on hip. I'm sure I speak for everybody in boxing world when I say have a speedy recovery. Well, maybe except for Referee Randy Neumann, whom you so eloquently called a "cawk sucker" several times on national television. You're right Stoney, if you said something like about James Toney people would be jumping on all over you, just like your jumping all over James, who may, but probably doesn't regret making the remark. In a Boxingtalk chat session last night, James talked some more about Jawny and made it clear that Ruiz hasn't even been full received by the Puerto Rican people. As someone who lives in NYC and attends the Garden fights that DKP promotes, I can tell you first hand that I've never, not once, heard the crowd, chanting 'Johnny, Johnny, Johnny'. But when Trinidad headlines the Garden the SOLD OUT crowd is chanting his name hours before he fights! In other words, Toney may be right about that. As for me being ashamed of myself LOL or not, I'm not ashamed of myself for anything I said or printed and I never made any racial slurs towards Jawny. Boxingtalk has become the leader amongst  boxing websites and we seem to have more trust from the top fighters than any other site because we print what they say how its said. It's raw and uncut and that is a niche that Boxingtalk will NEVER do away with. Stoney, I would have appreciated a phone call rather than an e-mail from you through your publicist, but I gotta admit you have a lot of nerve saying I should be banned from anything when YOU ARE the first trainer I've ever seen get banned from his fighters corner for not being able to restrain himself from throwing  F bomb's at a referee. And Stoney, did you ever notice how Ruiz's peformance against Golota only improved after your banishment from the corner? Anyway, Stoney, as always, great to hear from regardless if it's email or phone. Keep in touch and again, have a speedy, healthy recovery. -Greg Leon

PS FROM JAMES TONEY: "Tell Stoney he could kiss my ass!"


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