Stewart ready for Thaxton


Stewart ready for Thaxton

Dave Stewart has been training in the Alps for his attempt to follow in the footsteps of his heroes Jim Watt and Ken Buchanan. Stewart aims to become British lightweight champion just like his fellow Scotsmen Buchanan and Watt did in the sixties and seventies.

Stewart, from Ayr but based in east London, challenges Norwich's British champion Jon Thaxton at the York Hall in Bethnal Green, on a Hennessy Sports show in
partnership with Title Sponsors Sky Sports will televise.

To get himself ready for Thaxton's second defence, Stewart has been training at altitude in France.

"For me to be British champion would be a dream come true. The likes of Jim Watt and Ken Buchanan held the same belt and they were heroes of mine,” said Dave.

"Jim Watt may even be commentating for Sky TV on the night at ringside. He is a hero of mine and I always listen to what he has to say.

"It was really good over there for hill sprints and the altitude made it really hard to train over.

"We were near Mont Blanc, right up in the Alps, and it has got me in great shape.

"I’ve got a lot of respect for Jon and I’m prepared to work really hard on the night. I want to test myself against the very best. He’s the number one lightweight in Britain so it’s a real test for me."

Stewart lost a previous British title fight to fellow Hennessy Sports boxer Lee Meager last year, but feels he will put up a stronger challenge this time.

"We’ve both fought Lee but it doesn’t mean a thing,” said Dave. “I’m learning all the time and I’m better educated about the weight now than I was against Lee.

"I’m a tall lightweight, but I’ve made the weight easy for this fight because I know more about nutrition."