Spinks Hosting Boxingtalk's First Ask The Champ Mailbag!
Spinks Hosting Boxingtalk's First Ask The Champ Mailbag!
Undisputed welterweight champion of the world, Cory "The Next Generation" Spinks will be hosting Boxingtalk's first 'Ask The Champ' mailbag later this week. This is not to be mistaken for G. Leon's mailbag which was nearly overthrown by Antonio Tarver, who answered multitudes of questions the week after he knocked Roy Jones Jr. out. Only the ten best questions will make the mailbag. Various world champions will be taking the time to host our 'Ask The Champ' mailbags so stay tuned to the front page at all times. Email your questions for the undisputed welterweight king to Greg Leon at gleon@Boxingtalk.net           It's GREAT To Be A Member