Spartacus out to down ‘The Daddy’


Spartacus out to down ‘The Daddy’

Press release: Ipswich warrior Spartacus has vowed to make the first defence of his English light heavyweight title in style when he takes on Peter ‘The Daddy’ Haymer on November 12th at the Wembley Conference Centre.

“Crash, bang, wallop. It should be a case of job done, next!“ appraised the 27-year-old.

“Haymer is a good operator. He’s only lost twice, never been stopped and has been in with the usual suspects but I am on the top of my game right now.

“I am in great shape. I could go 20 rounds, my timing is sharp and I am banging harder than ever.  I feel like ‘The Daddy’!”

Spartacus, 16(9)-1, is currently in Denmark preparing for the encounter.

“The sparring I have been having is second to none,” he added.

“I have been going at it with both Mikkell Kessler and Martin Nielsen in the gym, a right couple of handy operators.

“They have cracking undefeated records and Championship pedigree. I have had to be sharp going in with those two so there is no danger of me being rusty come the 12th November.”

He is also looking for a bit of extra assistance from his loyal fan base.

“I want one of my supporters to carry my belt into the ring,” added Spartacus, named after the famous Thracian slave.

“So I am running a competition in association with my local paper, the Ipswich Evening Star, to find one.

“The winner will even get to dress in the full Roman battle gear me and my entourage always wear!

“My supporters have always been very loyal to me, following me everywhere, so it’s good to put on a bit of a show for them and give a bit back.

“It will be also be a great buzz for me to know that one of them will be climbing into that ring with me.

“They don’t need to worry about taking any digs though, they get to climb back out again before the bell goes!”

‘Born To Do It’ takes place at the Wembley Conference Centre on Friday November 12th. The headline contest sees Junior Witter defend his European light welterweight title against Poland’s Krzystof Bienias. A full bill is available at Tickets are available on 0870 060 0870.