Shaw speaks on successful weekend on Showtime and more!

By G. Leon


Shaw speaks on successful weekend on Showtime and more!

Marquez-Vazquez coming soon!

GL: can you give us some thoughts on Darchinyan-Burgos and Marquez-Vazquez? "Sure. As you know they took Victor Burgos to the hospital and obviously I pray for his health, I hope God is with him and everything is fine. It was a great night of boxing, Vic Darchinyan showed what kind of fighter he is. Styles make fights and Victor Burgos running the whole fight wasn't suited for his style. After the fight he said he wants to fight guys like Vazquez and Marquez who will just stand up and bang with him. He said he loves Mexican fighters because they come to fight. I also think that Burgos size frustrated Darchinyan because a lot of his shots were just wizzing over Burgos head."

GL: Are you concerned that Burgos suffering long term damage following this fight could have a negative impact on Vic's aggressivness?

Gary Shaw: "I don't know if there's any long term damage with Burgos, but should that be the case it would concern me. I don't think Boom Boom Mancini was the same after that tragic fight. It could have a negative effect on him, but I hope not. The main thing that I hope is that Victor Burgos is okay.

GL: When can we expect Darchinyan back in the ring?

GS: "We could bring him back in June with Chad Dawson. If not July. It won't be much later than that unless I can pull off a PPV which I'd love to do with Darchinyan and Farce and Vazquez and Marquez II. The PPV wouldn't even be the fight it would be the promotion. You would have Bob, me, Golden Boy and would be one hell of a promotion."

GL: Can you give us some thoughts on the main event?

GS: "What can I say? We told everyone it was going to be the fight of the year and we gave them half the fight of the year because it ended after seven rounds and we'll pick up the second half later this year."

GL: I take it there was a rematch clause.

GS: "Yes there was, but it's not just going to happen again because of the rematch clause it's going to happen again because this is what boxing fans want, the best fighting the best and it doesn't get much better than Marquez and Vazquez. We knew someone was going to down in this fight and it turned out to be Marquez, but he was the faster, more skilled boxer and his jab was unbelievable as evidenced by Vazquez's nose all over his face. By looking at him I would think he needs three months to heal sufficiently so we might be looking at a September fight for both of them. Ken Hershman called me four or five times and he wants the rematch."

GL: Corrales is fighting Clottey in April. I have a two part question, where will the fight take place, and based on the fact that Arum has Clottey, have the two of you resolved your legal differences?

GS: "I'm not sure where the fight is going to take place yet, but we'll know shortly. There's never been a problem with the two companies, it's just been a problem with Bob Arum not wanting to do something. He was willing to do Pacquiao and Barrera and put money in escrow. He's unwilling to do Darchinyan with Farce because he's afraid he'd lose Farce. Forget about legal, let's talk about what Bob Arum wants to do or doesn't want to do or what's comfortable for him at the time. Clottey is just a provision of service, I'm just buying the fighter for the fight."

GL: So in other words the litagation is ongoing.

GS: "That's correct, but with Arum you've got to line up the litagations. He's got mine, two with Golden Boy and another one with Goossen. In his waning years, Bob appears to be going back to his roots."

GL: How do you view Vazquez quitting after the seventh round?

GS: "All you have to do is watch some of his fights to know he's a warrior, his nose has been broken before but I guess there are different degrees of broken noses and I'm telling you his was all over his face. I believe he couldn't breathe because when you're eating jabs, and I don't mean that sarcastically, it's tough to breath when the only way you could breathe is through your mouth.

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

GS: "I thought we delivered the only true boxing show on television that night. We delivered excitement with an ending that will make for a great rematch. I thank all boxing fans for following us and Boxingtalk. And everyone who thought I was going out of business in 2006, baby I just reloaded."


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