Mosley to face Cintron on Feb. 10?
GL: What's the latest and greatest with your February 10 HBO World Championship Boxing date? "Nothing much right now. I'm getting ready for whoever I step into the ring with. I'm thinking that it's going to be Kermit Cintron but there's some things that need to get worked out before we make that announcement."
GL: Other than Kermit Cintron, Luis Collazo and Vernon Forrest are names I understand to be under consideration what can you tell us about that?
Shane Mosley: "Luis Collazo I'm not sure of, but it's not going to be Vernon Forrest because he's fighting at 154 and my next fight will take place at 147. It's looking like it's going to be Cintron but you're going to have to give Richard Schaefer a call to find out all of the details."
GL: What do you think of Cintron as a fighter?
SM: "He's a world champion for a reason, I know he can fight, I know he can punch and it should be an interesting battle."
GL: Carlos Baldomir was also in the mix as a potential, what happened there?
SM: "I'm not sure what happened, but his name came up I'm just not sure how interested HBO is after Mayweather beat him. If he gets a good win in I'm sure it's something we could get done."
GL: Vernon Forrest told me he would be shocked if you ever accepted a third fight with him. Shocked because after three losses to him counting the amateurs, you should already know what's going to happen. Is there anything you'd like to say in response to Vernon?
SM: "The only response I can have is win a fight. In his last fight he lost to Quartey and he got a gift. Win a fight, get some credibility and we can make it happen again. I'm not running from anyone. Do something to make it interesting. I'm not here to keep helping pump life into his career."
GL: Do you thinK Cintron is a more dangerous opponent than Fernando Vargas?
SM: "It's hard to say because I know Vargas was the naturally bigger guy and Cintron is a big welterweight, but now I'm coming back down to where I want to be. It's like I told you before Greg, now I'm getting in the ring to knock guys out. I'm not looking forward to going to the scorecards anymore. All of my upcoming fights will end by knockout. I'm out here to prove that I'm the best fighter out there period and Vernon Forrest, guys like Cory Spinks, all they have to do is win their fights and wait their turn because one at a time I'm going to knock them all out."
GL: Cintron was life and death with David Estrada after you beat Estrada. Will that cause you to come into the ring overconfidently?
SM: "I don't know if I'll be overconfident but I know I'm getting better and better each time I fight now. I would be going in there to fight like the challenger and I don't know if he's really up to that challenge."
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