Sergio Espinoza: "I was robbed!"

By Brad Cooney


Sergio Espinoza: "I was robbed!"

Flyweight loses title eliminator

Flyweight contender Sergio Espinoza got one step away from his dream of fighting for a world title. He had to fight an IBF eliminator fight against Luis Maldonado in order to get is crack at Nonito Donaire, who is recognized as champion by the IBF.  Maldonado was badly cut and bruised, according to Espinoza, he was a beaten man. But it was Maldonado who had his hands raised after the decision, leaving Espinoza to scratch his head in disbelief. Today, Sergio Espinoza joins Boxingtalk and shares his thoughts on what he strongly believes was another boxing robbery.
BT – What's up Sergio?
SE – Man I am happy to be back on Boxingtalk, so thanks for having me.  
BT – Let's talk about your fight against Luis Maldonado.  People are saying that this was a clear robbery, with you being the one looking around for your stuff after the decision was read.
SE – I prepared myself really good for this fight.  I was ready for this fight, and I have seen the way that he fights.  I was faster, and stronger.  I gave this guy a boxing lesson, I went toe to toe with him.  He had three bad cuts, I thought they were going to stop the fight because of those cuts.  I beat this guy fair and square and the judges gave him the decision.  It was really bad judging, really bad.
BT – What do you think can be done about all of the recent bad judging going on?  Anyone that saw Joel Casamayor's fight against Jose Armando Santa Cruz clearly saw him lose, yet he was granted the win as well.
SE – Man, first of all when it happens it makes boxing look really bad.  You have to give the win to the guy who really wins.  I don't know what's wrong, maybe it's the promoters, or the judges having favoritism.  If the better man wins, then give him the win.
BT – I am concerned that by all of the recent bad judging going on, it will make even more boxing fans leave this sport, and turn more to the UFC.
SE – I have friends that are UFC fans because of the corruption that happens in boxing.  All of these bad decisions will bring the boxing fans to the UFC.  In boxing when you clearly beat someone, and you don't get the decision, it turns people off of the sport, and it's hard on the fighter.
BT – What's next?
SE – I stay focused, and I thank God that I didn't get hurt, but he was hurt bad.  The doctor looked at the cuts on him (Maldonado) five times.  He looked at three different cuts, I hit him with right hands to the head that opened up those cuts.  There was one head butt that made one cut, but the rest were caused by my punches. If it was the opposite, and I was cut they would have stopped that fight quick.  One judge had me only winning one round!  I lost 11 rounds straight on her card, I was like WOW!  Luis Maldonado didn't even think he won the fight, he came up to me and apologized to me, he said he was sorry and that it's not their fault how the decision was made.  People need not underestimate me because of my record, I want anybody out there that wants to fight.  I want to become a world champion, and prove to everybody that I am for real!  When judges take decisions from fighters that really win, it hurts boxing badly.
BT – Maybe boxing needs to bring the judges before a committee and have them explain to them while watching the replay how they came to score each round the way that they did.
SE – That would be super good.  Anybody that saw my fight can see that I beat him at least 9 or 10 out of the 12 rounds.  I can't believe that I got robbed that bad.  What can I do?  I can't do anything.  My people are going to file a protest, but I don't know, we'll see what happens.  When people look at my record and see four losses, I hope they see how I lost those fights.  I had those fights taken from me.  I know that I am a better fighter than Maldonado, I got ripped off, so what can I do now?
BT – When do you want to fight again?
SE – Next month, my people are trying to get me back in there in February.  I would like to fight someone in the top 10, and try to get myself back into a position to fight for a world title fight again.
BT – Do you have any closing thoughts?
SE – Thank you Boxingtalk for having me back on again.  I want to thank the fans for the support that they have shown me.  Hopefully you will keep watching me, I will overcome these obstacles, and I will do my best to become a world champion.


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