Sergei Liakhovich: "I'll let James Toney do the talking, I'll talk with my fists!"

By G. Leon


Sergei Liakhovich: "I'll let James Toney do the talking, I'll talk with my fists!"

GL: I've been hearing that you could be fighting James Toney in your next fight. James told me he's ready to shut you up. How do you feel about this fight Sergei? "I feel great about it. What he said about shutting my mouth, will be interesting. He always talks trash about everything and everybody so I could leave all of the talking to him. If we fight I let my hands do the talking."

GL: What do you think about him as a fighter?

Sergei Liakhovich: "He's a very good fighter and a great boxer. That's what's good about him. He fights like an old school fighter and I don't see nobody else who fights like him. But if you know how to make adjustments it makes it much easier to beat this guy than everyone thinks."

GL: And obviously you feel defeating James Toney puts you in line for a title shot.

SL: "Yes."

GL: What did you think about his two fights with Samuel Peter?

SL: "Actually in the first fight, I thought James Toney won the first fight. This is my opinion. I think the boxing fans and writers feel the same way, but the second fight he lost that fight clearly. The first few rounds were close but after that it went one way."

GL: If you get this fight can we expect to see you try to do some of things that Samuel Peter did in the rematch?

SL: "First of all Samuel Peter is a totally different fighter than I am. I will fight James Toney, not totally different, but I will make adjustments that more suit my style."

GL: If there was one message you'd want to send to James Toney through this interview, what would that message be?

SL: "Be careful what you say."

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

SL: "James Toney is an old school boxer and nobody really knows how to fight these kind of fights. I know how to do it and if this fight gets done I will show you. I will be much stronger, and faster and better than ever before.


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