BC - Can you give us any news on your pending fight against Oleg Maskaev? "I don't know what's going to happen, I am not sure if this fight is going to come off or not. The fight is not a done deal yet, I am still waiting."
BC - What is going through your mind as you have to wait for this fight to happen?SP - Well there is nothing that I can do, I can't wait for life. If it happens, it happens, if it is meant to be it will happen. I am just going to continue to wait, and see what's going on.
BC - Have you signed a contract yet?SP - Yes, I signed a contract two weeks ago. I am still waiting to hear from them, right now I don't know anything. I am still waiting to see what's going on.
BC - If this fight happens, how do you see yourself doing?SP - Well I know this, I will win the fight.
BC - Did you see the fight between Zab Judah and Miguel Cotto?
SP - Yes, I saw that fight. I thought Cotto did well, but I think the low blows slowed Zab Judah down. Cotto really did good with his body shots, and I think that slowed Zab Judah down. I think if the low blows didn't happen that Zab Judah would have done better, but I still think Cotto would have won, he is very strong.
BC - What about Winky Wright vs Bernard Hopkins?SP - I think it's going to be a good fight.
BC - Who do you think is going to win?SP - May the best man win (laughs).
BC - Come on Sam, give me something (laughs) who do you think is going to win?
SP - (laughs), I think Bernard is going to win, he is a crafty fighter.
BC - De La Hoya vs Mayweather?SP - I think Mayweather got the right decision, there is no way he can fight any other way, he fought a smart fight, and I think he won the fight.
BC - Back to you, if you get your crack at Oleg and you win, you will want to unify. The way the promoters, and sanctioning bodies are now, won't that be difficult to do?
SP - I will be undisputed champion soon. I think it can happen, it will be something that can happen again.
BC - How do you stay focused while you wait for this fight?SP - I am tired, I am tired of waiting. I used to fight every two months, I never had to wait this long to fight before, it's kind of crazy.
BC - Are you staying sharp in the gym?
SP - Oh yes, I am staying sharp. I am doing what I have to do in the gym.
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