Salita: I’ll force Kendall to do the lean back!

By Ray O. Campbell Jr.


Salita: I’ll force Kendall to do the lean back!

Over the weekend, Boxingtalk briefly spoke with undefeated Jr. Welterweight prospect Dmitriy “The Star of David” Salita 21-0(12) to get his thoughts on Kendall Holt’s 18-1(12) offer to fight him on May 27th. “If Kendall can win a few more fights, and stay up on his feet doing that and show the boxing community that he has a glass jaw so when I knock him out I get full credit for it, then we can make it happen. So tell him to stay in the gym, keep hitting the speed bag and if anything I will give him a call.” Read on to see what else he had to say, as the war of words between the two get even more heated.

RC: What’s going on Dmitriy? What are your thoughts in response to what Kendall had to say about what you initially said?

DS: Kendal Holt sounds like a clown to me, first of all, my trainer Jimmy O’Pharrow at his Starrett city boxing gym office, he has a sign that says “A tongue is a rope in which man hang himself” And it sounds to me like Kendall Holt is trying the knot. It is just crazy that he said he didn’t even read the interview and that his boy told him about it. With him saying something like that, if he was on T.V., that would have made every sports blooper channel.

After all of that Harah, and pounding on his chest, let’s talk about reality, let’s talk about facts. And the facts are that Kendall fought ten guys with loosing records, and I was a witness to one of those fights when he fought John Trigg in the Garden. A guy that was 11-25 and he won a majority decision against him. Everybody thought he lost, the crowd was even booing. So Kendall sounds like a hypocrite, and comes off and says something about me, when his record is five times worse than mine.

RC: What do you think about his offer to fight him on May 27th?

DS: Isn’t May 27th a Friday?

RC: Correct, but what are your thoughts on him offering you the fight?

DS: If Kendall can win a few more fights, and stay up on his feet doing that and show the boxing community that he has a glass jaw so when I knock him out I get full credit for it, then we can make it happen. So tell him to stay in the gym, keep hitting the speed bag and if anything I will give him a call.

RC: Boxingtalk readers have been responding to this back and forth in a big way, which tells me that many won’t mind seeing this fight. Providing, he got another couple of good wins under his belt, realistically speaking, how soon can see this fight taking place?

DS: Like I see it happening as soon as he get s few wins and I keep doing what I have to do, and it is going to happen as soon as it can possibly happen. As far as this back and forth, this is my last interview on this issue for a while. Any more P.R. that Kendall or his people want to get from me, they have to realize I am not his publicists, so I am going to have to charge a PR fee, so if he wants any more stuff like this, tell him to contact my attorney and we can work it out. Everything that he needs to know is said in this interview.

RC: Actually, Kendall doesn’t want the back and forth any more either, he feels that this is boxing, and wanted to settle it in the ring.

DS: Yeah he is right, but with that he said like ten paragraphs with “this and that”, “White boy this and that” and “F you and F me” So he is contradicting himself. I read itn eh interview that he was talking about Charisma, what kind of Charisma does Kendall Holt have? That was nonsense, I remember  after he beat David Diaz he was doing the most craziest dance that I have ever seen anybody do after a fight, and he has to be thankful to his corner men that came up to him and made him stop it because they realized how stupid and ridiculous that it was. So let Kendall keep doing his thing, and you know for now to me, his nick name is not Rated-R, his new name is dumber and dumber based on the fact that he reacted off of something that he didn’t even read. And you know in a few months we will see what is up with the situation and see what is going to happen.

RC: Now what is this about the fight between the two of you that took place in the amateurs? He is saying that he won the fight, and you are saying you won the fight, how did that fight play out?

DS: With the fight in the amateurs, I don’t know what he is talking about that I never hit him. I don’t know if all white guys look alike to him. I have the tape, I am going to look for it and send what I have for so they can see for themselves. I guess, maybe my punches had such and affect on him that fight that he doesn’t even remember.

RC: Was it a good fight?

DS: Yeah it was a good fight, I weighed in at 124lbs, and he weight in at 133lbs, it was a show, it wasn’t a tournament. It was a good tough fight at that point and time, as a I mentioned before I have the tape, I should a round or round and a half on it. I am going to send it, so people could see I won the decision, I really have no idea about what he is talking about, and the truth will see the light.

RC: Dmitriy, does it bother you when he says things like you are a white boy and call you out?

DS: You see Ray; people don’t know where I come from. So they might feel that I am just some white boy. They think I box in Chelsea Peers (An upscale gym where celebrities, such as Jay-Z, Damon Dash, Stephon Marbury and many more go to work out)
I grew up in Starrett City boxing club (Home of Undefeated prospects Gary “Kid” Stark, Chin Checker Curtis Stephens and amateur standout Danny Jacobs) I was one of the very few white boys at that gym, and the only white boy for a set period of time on that boxing team. So all of the stuff that he is saying “white boy this” “White boy that” it doesn’t do anything to me,. I really understand where his mind is at. He thinks that this is High School and he is taking my lunch money, but this isn’t that type of a party man. So if he see’s me and he steps to me we will see what is going to happen man.

RC: Can you kind of give us an idea of what would happen?

DS: We will see what would happen, that is all that I have to say. I grew up in this, I know what it is. Like I said before, when he is banging his chest, so he can tell his boys I did this, I did that, I am the man and all of this stupid crazy non sense, it means absolutely nothing. It means crap, when push comes to shove and we talk about action that is what counts. I have been boxing with Curtis who is now known as the chin checker and all of those other kids and I was the only white boy running in Brownsville in the projects on the track every other night, I am use to all of this. Kendall must not know who he is dealing with man.

RC: How would a fight would you and Kendall Holt Play out?

DS: I am going to tell you this realistically with out all of the macho and all of the non sense. Kendall would jump around and move around for two or three rounds using his jab and stuff like that, and then by the third or fourth round. I notice that Kendall likes to lay on the rope sometimes and let guys hit on him; I would definitely take advantage of that. Then towards the fifth or sixth round I see Kendall getting hit with a right hand and doing the lean back as Fat Joe would say.


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