Roy Jones Jr: "If Oscar wants to be the one taking some risks and move up in weight, all he has to do is say my name!"

By G. Leon


Roy Jones Jr: "If Oscar wants to be the one taking some risks and move up in weight, all he has to do is say my name!"

GL: What's the latest and greatest with Roy Jones Jr? "The latest and greatest is everything is everything and I'm loving life right now, just enjoying myself." GL: There's been a lot of talk about Oscar De La Hoya possibly fighting Manny Pacquiao, what do you think about that fight? "I hear a lot of people saying this and that about the fight, but all Oscar is trying to do is go with the fight that makes him the most money. It's an interesting fight because Pacquiao would be putting on a lot of weight to make the fight and he's faster, Oscar is stronger and he would be trying to overpower him, but I think it would be a good fight."

GL: I'm sure you'd prefer to see Oscar interested in fighting somebody 20 pounds bigger than him than somebody 20 pounds smaller, no?

Roy Jones Jr: (laughs) "That's where the pound for pound talk comes in. Oscar wouldn't be taking no risk fighting Pacquiao because it's not the kind of fight where he can get hurt you feel me? But talk about him moving up all them pounds to fight somebody bigger and stronger and it's a different story. That's why no matter what anybody says I'm still, and still pound for pound. Anytime Oscar wants to be the one moving up in weight and taking real risk, all he has to do is say my name!"

GL: You mentioned money being Oscar's motivation, what would be your motivation for a Wladimir Klitschko fight if you get past Calzaghe?

RJJ: "He called my name and that's all it takes is for somebody like that to say my name. You know I love fighting them giants. I'd be putting my life on the line fighting him, but that's what I do and you know I ain't fitting to go back to heavyweight to lose."

GL: Would you realistically go back to heavyweight following a Calzaghe fight where you'd have the light heavyweight division in the palm of your hands?

RJJ: "I'd have super middleweight and light heavyweight under control, but we'll have to wait and see what happens. First things first."

GL: Last time we spoke you didn't have much to say about Hopkins-Pavlik, has that changed at all?

RJJ: "Nope. I still got nothing to say. They got some work to do, if Pavlik wins I'd fight him. If Hopkins wins, we won't fight because he don't really want to fight me."

GL: Is it that impossible to negotiate with him?

RJJ: "Yep. I think I beat him too easy the first time."

GL: Closing thoughts?

RJJ: "It's great to see that boxing is coming back strong and we're giving the fans the fights they want to see. On November 8 it's going down at Madison Square Garden and then anybody who wants it from Oscar De La Hoya to Klitschko can have their chance at the pound for pound."



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