Round by Round: Vazquez -vs- Larios

By B. "The Hype" Thompson


Round by Round: Vazquez -vs- Larios

Larios is weighing in tonight at 135...from 120.5 at the weigh-in to 135. Wow. Vazquez's title is not on the line tonight since Larios gained so much weight. Vazquez enters first with a calm look on his face. Larios enters next...looks anxious to get the fight started.

Round 1
They both come out jabbing. Vazquez lands a jab and a right hand. Larios dances on his toes. Vazquez stuns Larios with a left hook and a right hand. Larios goes down. Wow. Takes the eight count. Vazquez lands another left hook. Larios lands a left hook of his own. Vazquez works the body. Larios dancing on his toes again. Larios fires the jab. Hard body shots land for Larios. 4 punch combo lands for Larios. Right hook lands for Vazquez. A shot to the body lands for Larios to end the round. Round to Vazquez.

Vazquez 10 Larios 8

Round 2

Larios comes out jabbing. Stays on the outside firing the jab. Larios lands a right to the body and an uppercut. Vazquez having a difficult time getting past the jab. Vazquez lands a left. Larios misses with a hook. Hard right hand lands for Vazquez. Right hand lands for Larios as well. Round to Larios.

Vazquez 19 Larios 18

Round 3
Both men get back to jabbing. Vazquez lands a left hook...starting to press the action a little bit. Vazquez trying to work the body. Left hook to the body lands for Vazquez and they clinch. Larios lands a left to the body. They trade jabs. Left hook from Vazquez partially blocked. Larios back on his toes...lands an uppercut. Larios misses with a wild right hand. Vazquez pushing Larios back...lands a short right on the inside that staggers Larios. Larios is cut. That's it. The fight's over. The doctor stops the fight due to the cut which was caused by a punch.

Vazquez TKO3