Round 1The LHW championship fight starts out with Johnson coming forward throwing heavy shots. Tarver looks more cautious and tactical in the first minute of the fight. Tarver is pawing out jabs keeping a distance. Johnson is using head movement to make himself a harder target for Tarvers jabs. Johnson steps forward and lands a 1-2 upstairs. Tarver throws and lands a left hand as Johnson’s back touched the ropes. Double jab then left misses for Tarver.
Tarver 10 Johnson 10
Round 2
Round 2 starts off and shows Johnson throwing punches in bunches and Tarver covers up. After weathering the storm Tarver slips in and lands a few small combinations. Johnson is able to land his jab over Tarvers. Tarver throws a double jab the combos off of it. Tarver letting his hands go in this round. Johnson gets off a big left hook as Tarvers back touches the ropes. Big left hand lands for Tarver. Johnson backs Tarver to the ropes and lets his hands free. Tarver 10 Johnson 9 close round
Tarver 20 Johnson 19
Round 3
3rd round starts with Tarver throwing punches in bunches and Johnson moving forward. Tarver lands a big combo in the center of the ring and lets his hands go landing almost 10 consecutive punches. Johnson continues coming forward landing good body shots on Tarver in the process. Center of the ring has Tarver letting his hands go some more. Big shots upstairs land for Tarver. Last 10 seconds has a clinch and Tarver land a straight left. Tarver 10 Johnson 9
Tarver 30 Johnson 28
Round 4
Round 4 starts with Tarver throwing jabs and then following them with a 2 piece combination. Tarver lands a few combinations in the middle of the ring. Johnson keeps coming forward throwing and occasionally landing big shots. Big body shot lands for Johnson. A clinch is broken in the center of the ring by the ref and Tarver lands a good left right combo. Right hook lands then an uppercut combination for Tarver but they look like arm punches. Antonio lands combo after combo in the middle of the ring with Johnson just coming forward waiting to get off with shots of his own. Johnson lands a double left hook upstairs and to the body when Tarvers back touches the rope. Johnson lands a big right hand against the ropes in the last 10 seconds. Tarver 10 Johnson 9
Tarver 40 Johnson 37
Round 5 Round starts with Tarver going to the body. He lands a few 1-2s to the body before Johnson does anything. Johnson lands double hooks and combos during some infighting in the middle of the ring. Tarver once again lets his hands loose with a 5 punch combination in the center of the ring. Lead right lands for Johnson. Tarver slows done some and looks to be taking this round off at the half way point of the round. Big left hand lands for Tarver. Johnson is doing some damage to the body in this round. Last 10 seconds has Johnson land a few shots. Johnson 10 Tarver 9
Tarver 49 Johnson 47
Round 6 Round 6 starts with Tarver sticking jabs and as soon as Johnson gets close enough letting loose with a combination. Johnson lands a big right but is met with another combination from Tarver. 2 Big body shots land for Johnson! A clinch in the middle of the ring. Tarver lets his hands loose and lands punches in bunches again. Tarver plays matador in the middle of the ring landing a combo and moving to the side when Johnson tries to set to throw. Last 10 seconds has another flurry from Tarver. Tarver 10 Johnson 9
Tarver 59 Johnson 56
Round 7
The seventh starts with Johnson moving forward and Tarver picking him off at will with the right jab. Johnson backs Tarver to the ropes and lets loose but Tarver gets off the ropes and continues to pick Johnson off with jabs. Tarver lands another combination as Johnson moves forward. Body shot lands for Johnson. Tarver pops 2 jabs then follows with a left hand. Last 10 seconds shows a combo from Tarver then a clinch. Tarver 10 Johnson 9
Tarver 69 Johnson 65
Round 8
Round 8 commences with Tarver jabbing and Johnson trying to close the distance. Tarver backs up landing jabs. Johnson moves forward trying to land haymakers. Johnson has a big rally in the middle of the ring landing multiple body shots on Tarver. A clinch is broken up and now back to more of the same Tarver landing jab after jab as Johnson moves forward. Tarver throws a nice combination then moves away from Johnson. Johnson lands a straight right hand to the head. Last 10 seconds has Johnson land a 1-2 at the bell. Tarver 10 Johnson 9
Tarver 79 Johnson 74
Round 9
Round 9 starts off with Tarver throwing lots of jabs and Johnson trying to close the distance. Johnson has closed the distance this round and is landing a lot of shots upstairs and downstairs on Tarver. Nice lead right to the body lands for Johnson followed by another body shot. Johnson lands a big right hand upstairs. Tarver lands a straight left and another arm punch combination. Good left hand to the body lands for Johnson. Final 10 seconds has Johnson land a few shots. Johnson 10 Tarver 9
Tarver 88 Johnson 84
Round 10 The 10th round starts with Tarver landing multiple shots to the body. Infighting has both fighters exchanging shots to the body. Johnson getting the better of the infighting with hooks to the head then body. Clinch is broken by the ref. They exchange big leather in the middle of the ring! After clinches it looks like Johnson is tired. Tarver is landing combination after combination. Last 20 seconds has Tarver land 2 of his 5 punch combos and win the round. Tarver 10 Johnson 9
Tarver 98 Johnson 93
Round 11
Round 11 starts with both men going to war in the middle of the ring landing hard shots!! They are going toe to toe right now and Tarver is getting the better of the exchanges in the middle of the ring. Johnson is now landing big bombs. Tarver looks winded! Tarver goes back to the jab after a clinch and lands some more punches in bunches. Hard Right hand lands for Johnson that momentarily stuns Tarver! Tarver gets Johnson against the ropes and lets his hands go for a few seconds. Johnson lands some big shots while Tarver was against the ropes. Tarver clinches and shakes his head to say he wasn’t hurt. Johnson moves forward again landing heavy shots and Tarver moves away! Johnson 10 Tarver 9
Tarver 107 Johnson 103
Round 12
The final round commences with the crowd screaming! They touch gloves and Tarver lets his hands go. Tarver backs up Glen against the ropes and lets his hands go again. Johnson lands a big uppercut in the center of the ring but Tarver initiates a clinch. Another clinch is broken up by the ref that leads to missed big shots from Johnson and yet another clinch. Tarver throws a 1-2 then clinches over and over. Final minute of action…. Johnson is looking for a KO Tarver seems to be content to clinch and go to the cards. Last 30 seconds has another clinch followed by another and another. Last 10 seconds 1-2 attempt from Tarver and a clinch.
Johnson 10 Tarver 9
Tarver 117 Johnson 112
Tarver UD12
Official scorecards were 116-112, 116-112, and 115-113