Round by Round: Soto -vs- Juarez

By B. "The Hype" Thompson


Round by Round: Soto -vs- Juarez

Soto enters first...looks relaxed and confident for a last minute sub. Juarez enters next.

Round 1
Both men walk to the center of the ring. Soto works the jab. Juarez sizes him up. Soto lands a jab. Juarez lands a left to the body. Soto still working the jab and lands a right hand. Juarez throws a hook thats blocked. Juarez lands a left hook. Soto lands a 1-2 as they exchange. Juarez backs up to the ropes. Left hook of Juarez is blocked. Soto lands a left to the body. Left jab lands for Soto. Juarez lands a straight right. Soto jabs. They trade to the body to end the round. Round to Soto.

Soto 10 Juarez 9

Round 2

They trade jabs. Juarez works inside and they clinch. Juarez lands a left to the body. Soto lands a jab. They trade jabs. Soto backs Juarez up. Straight right lands for Juarez. Juarez lands a left hook. Soto misses with 5 punches. Uppercut lands for Soto. Left hook to the body for Juarez. Two rights by Soto are blocked. Juarez lands a jab. Left hook on the inside lands for Juarez. They trade jabs. Soto lands a right to the body. Soto lands a big uppercut on the inside. Juarez backs up. Soto lands another big uppercut. They trade jabs. Round to Soto.

Soto 20 Juarez 18

Round 3

They trade jabs. Soto triples up with the jab. Juarez lands a jab. Soto jumps in with a 1-2 combo that backs Juarez up. Soto is stalking. Juarez grabs on. Soto looks much bigger. Left jab lands for Soto. Juarez lands a jab of his own. They trade on the inside. Uppercut lands for Soto. Right lands for Juarez...and a left hook. Soto works behind the jab. Left hand from Juarez is blockd. Soto unleashes a 4 punch combo and lands to the head. Left hook lands for Soto. Another right uppercut lands for Soto. Round to Soto.

Soto 30 Juarez 27

Round 4

Juarez comes out working thejab. Lands a right. Soto lands a left to the body. Juarez lands a left hook. Soto back to the jab. Juarez backs up. Lands a left to the body. Soto lands a right to the body. Big uppercut lands for Soto on the inside. Soto lands a right. Left jab lands for Soto. Juarez looks confused. Right to the body for Soto. Juarez lands a right, but Soto walks through it. Soto walks him down. Juarez lands his jab. Another jab lands, but Soto lands a bigger right. Juarez backs up while Soto charges forward. They trade on the inside. Uppercut lands for Juarez, left hook lands for Soto. Soto walks him down again. Juarez lands a right, but Soto walks through it and lands a right of his own. Soto lands a 4 punch combo to the body to end the round. Round to Soto.

Soto 40 Juarez 36

Round 5
Soto lands a jab. Juarez answers with a jab of his own. Juarez lands a left hook to the body. Soto works the jab. Triples up with it. Jab to the body for Soto. Left hook of Juarez is blocked. Right to the body lands for Soto. Jab, jab. Juarez lands a jab of his own. Left hook lands for Soto. Right lands as well as Juarez backs into the ropes. They trade left hooks...Soto lands first. Juarez lands a right. Hard left hook lands for Soto. Right hand lands for Soto. Soto works the body. Juarez misses with a wild hook. Uppercut lands for Soto. Juarez lands to the body. If you're going to give Juarez a round, this would be it...but round to Soto.

Soto 50 Juarez 45

Round 6
Left, right land for Soto. Juarez lands a combo of his own. Soto lands a left hook. Left hook to the body for Soto. Juarez lands a jab, Soto lands two. Soto stalking him as Juarez retreats. Soto leans up against him on the ropes and works him. Jab landing for Soto pretty easily. Juarez lands a right. They trade jabs. Right hook lands for Juarez. Soto walking him down. Lands 3, 4 punches...Juarez is cut. Soto is working Juarez. Juarez lands a left hook. Soto walks him down again...lands a left, right. Juarez lands a left. Another left, right lands for Soto. Left hook lands for Soto, but Juarez answers with one of his own to end the round. Round to Soto.

Soto 60 Juarez 54

Round 7
Juarez lands a jab...Soto lands 2. Right to the body followed by an uppercut that land for Soto. Soto measureing now with the left. Right hand lands for Soto as he slips down to the canvas. Left hook partially blocked for Juarez. Soto lands a right. Soto walks him down. Juarez getting desparate now...looking for one punch. Good body shot lands for Juarez as Soto continues to walk him down. Jab, jab, jab from Soto. Ref stops the action to warn both men for hitting in the back of the head. The action resumes. Soto lands a 4 punch combo against the ropes. Another big combo against the ropes as Soto begins to beat Juarez up. They begin to let go. Juarez lands a left and a big right hand. And a huge left hook for Juarez lands. Soto is buzzed and holds on to end the round. Good round for Juarez as he begins to rally. Round to Juarez.

Soto 69 Juares 64

Round 8
Big right hand and a left hook lands for Juarez. Soto back to the jab. Lands a big right hand to the body that buckles Juarez. Soto back to stalking. Juarez lands a jab. Right hand and an uppercut land for Soto. Juarez lands a right to the body. Left hook lands for Juarez. Lampley breaks out the pom-poms. Soto begins to walk him down again. Juarez retreats. Soto lands a left hook. Jab lands for Juarez. Right, left, right land for Soto. Jab lands for Soto. Juarez misses with a right. Left hook to the body lands for Juarez as he flurries to steal the round. Lampley thinks he did enough to win it...but round to Soto.

Soto 79 Juarez 73

Round 9
Soto back to the jabbing. Uppercut lands for Soto. Left hook lands for Soto. Juarez misses a hook. Soto walks him down. Left hook blocked for Juarez. Juarez lands a right to the body. Soto fires the jab. Left lands for Juarez. Right, left lands for Soto. The ref takes a point...the ref takes a point from Soto. Hitting to the back of the head. Shady! Soto jumps on Juarez. Lands a right, left. Jumps on him again and lands a nice combo on the ropes. Ref stops the action again. Tape on the glove of Juarez. Soto lands a right to the body. Stalks...Juarez retreats. Left to the body lands for Soto. They trade hooks. Hmmmmmm....a point was taken, but I still think Soto won the round.

Soto 88 Juarez 82

Round 10
Soto back to the jab. A break in the action as the men slide around in the middle of the ring. Back to jabbing for Soto. Wow...the ref takes another point. Hitting to the back of the head again. Wow. Shady. Soto jumps on Juarez. Lands an uppercut. Soto walking Juarez down. Uppercuts  lands inside for Soto. 4 punch combo lands on the inside for Soto. Juarez lands a big right of his own. They trade hooks...Soto's was better. Uppercut lands for Soto. Right hand lands for Soto as Juarez fires back with the jab. 1,2 lands for Soto on the ropes, but Juarez fires back and lands an uppercut. Soto answers with a right of his own. Round to Soto...but again, a shady point deduction.

Soto 97 Juarez 91

Round 11
Soto back to the jabbing. Juarez lands a left to the body. Jabs from Soto land. Upercut lands for Soto. Juarez lands a right. Soto tripples up with the jab. Juarez lands a big left hook. Soto shakes it off. They trade in the middle of the ring. Juarez lands a left. Soto works the body. Juarez lands a hook to the body. Juarez lands another good left to the body. Juarez works the jab. Soto lands a right. Juarez lands a left. Round to Juarez. Merchant thinks the fight is very close.

Soto 106 Jaurez 101

Round 12
They touch gloves to begin the round. Juarez starts the round with a left hook that is blocked. Soto back to jabbing. Soto lands a jab to the body. Juarez land a right. Soto answers with a right of his own. They trade on the inside. Big left hook, uppercut by Soto. Soto lands a right against the ropes. Jab lands for Soto. Juarez lands a left hook. Uppercut lands for Soto. Juarez misses with a hook. Soto lands a left. Juarez tries to tie him up, but Soto works the body. Juarez lands a lef t hook. Two good right hands land perfectly for Soto. Soto lands two punches and lets his hands go to end the round. Round to Soto.

Soto 116 Juarez 110

Winner by unanimous decision...Humberto Soto!

Official scorecards were 114-113, 114-112 and 114-113