Prefight"Saturday...Saturday...Saaaaturday..."'s fight night on Showtime baby. First big card of 2007. A few celebrities in attendance tonight...Shaq, Hulk Hogan, Anna Nicole Smith. A little James Brown is getting Don King pumped up in the ring. "...and I feeeeeeeeeeeel suga and spice...." James Toney enters first. "You can bet can bet that..." Toney enters to some Trick Daddy looking cool, calm, confident and in better shape than the first fight. Peter enters next for the first rematch of his career. Can't quite make out the lyrics, but it sounds like he's coming in to some reggae with a relaxed look on his face and rockin some turquoise and white Grant gear. Jame's Brown's band, Soul Generals, plays the National Anthem. Did I just see Yoel Judah standing behind Toney in his corner? That's interesting. Peter looks to be in great shape. "Alright fans...heeeere we from the Hard Rock Live, in Hollywood Florida...iiiiiiiit's SHOWTIIIIIIME!!!!" Nasty staredown. Both men are ready to go get this started.
Round 1Peter fires the jab. Lands a nice right to the body. Toney trying to be cute....rolling with the punches but getting touched by the jab from Peter. Peter just misses with an overhand right and smiles at Toney. Toney fires his jab now. Hard right to the body lands for Peter. Right hand over the top lands for Peter. Peter very active. Toney lands a quick three-punch combo. They trade jabs. Short right over the top lands for Peter. Toney is stunned. He's rocked. Oh....Toney is saved by the ref who warns Peter for hitting on the back of the head. Hard right hand lands for Toney. Peter misses with a lot and Toney counters with a short right. Again Toney counters with a short right. Peter just misses with a right. Jab from Peter sends Toney back. Big right hand just misses for Peter and Toney lands a quick left to end the round. Good round for Peter as Toney was clearly hurt.
Peter 10 Toney 9
Round 2
Peter a little slow to get off the stool. Oooooh...down goes Toney. Peter catches him off-balance with a jab 12 seconds into the round. Wooooo...big uppercut catches Toney as he ducks down. Peter showing no respect. Talking smack to Toney as he walks him down to the ropes. Hard right hand lands for Peter. Toney makes him miss with a couple, but wow...Peter showing absolutely no respect. Both men in the center of the ring. Peter misses over the top. Toney misses a 1-2. Nice left hook lands for Toney. Another lands for Toney. Peter forces him to the ropes. Toney counters with a right. Peter clubs Toney in the back of his head. Right hand for Peter lands and counter right for Toney lands. Hard jab lands for Toney. Peter breathing a little heavy now. They trade jabs. Left hook lands for Toney. Another left lands for Toney. Left to the body lands for Toney. Toney talkin smack. "COME ON BABY". WOOOOOOO!!! IT'S ON. Round to Peter, but Toney is ready to rumble.
Peter 20 Toney 17
Round 3
Toney stands right in fornt of Peter. Lands a stiff jab. They trade jabs. HARD right hand lands for Toney over the top. Peter just eats it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO...another HUGE right lands for Toney. Peter eats it again. Toney just dances on his toes back to the ropes. Toney stuffs him with the jab. Peter a little more cautious. right hand just misses for Toney. Toney trying to hide that right hand. He lands it, but eats a counter right hook from Peter. Another nice right hand rains down for toney. And another. Peter lands his jab. Peter lands a body shot. Quick uppercut lands for Peter. Toney lands a couple of jabs to the body. Peter misses with a right. Toney lands his own right. Toney talking smack. "COME ON BIG BOY". Close round. I give it to Toney just based on his landing those huge right hands.
Peter 29 Toney 27
Round 4
Left hook lands for Peter. Toney lands a 1-2. Hard jab stuffs Peter in the face. Wooooo...another huge 1-2 lands upstairs for Toney. Again...1-2 upstairs for Toney. They trade jabs. Toney lands a left. Peter clubs him in the top of his head with a right. close round so far. They trade jabs. The crowd starting to chant for Toney. Peter lands a left. Three punch combo lands for Toney. They trade jabs. Peter looks a little frustrated. Two right hands snap Peter's head back as he appears to be slowing down. Left hook and a right hook lands for Toney. Peter lands a right over the top. Quick left hook lands for Peter. Two jabs lands for Toney. Toney working on the ropes. Landing some beautiful counters and making Peter miss. Very close round. Very close. Again, I give it Toney for landing the bigger shots and doing some beautiful countering off the ropes.
Peter 38 Toney 37
Round 5
Nice right lands for Toney. WOOOOOOO...Peter lands a huge right of his own. Toney lands a right upstairs and works Peter's body. Peter lands his jab. Nice uppercut lands for Peter. Toney lands a right. Peter lands a jab. Great fight so far. WOOOOOOO....big right lands for Peter. Again...another right lands for Peter. Toney covering up along the ropes. Not looking so good. A little swellling on his eye. Hard shots to the body lands for Toney. 1-2 lands for Peter. Toney looks tired. Toney said something to someone in the crowd. Big left upstairs lands for Peter. Toney continues to talk smack. "COME ON...COME ON...COME ON!". Peter clubs Toney in the back of the head with an over hand right. Round to Peter.
Peter 48 Toney 46
Round 6
Again, Toney meets him in the middle of the ring and begins working some hard body shots to the body. Peter lands some great body shots of his own. Toney on his toes as he retreats. They trade jabs. Toney lands a hard right to the body. Stiff jab lands for Toney. Peter lands a short right. Toney retreats to the ropes. Body shots land for Toney. Left hook just misses for Peter. WOOOOOO...hard left hook lands for Toney, but Peter answers with a right of his own. Peter just walking through Toney's punches. Blood from Toney's lip now. Toney misses with a right over the top. Peter lands a short right hook coming out of a clinch. And then lands another left hook to end the round. Round to Peter.
Peter 58 Toney 55
Round 7
Peter fires the jab. Toney doubles up on his own jab as he dances on his toes. They trade jabs. Left hook from Peter partially blocked. Peter fires three jabs staying very busy. Toney lands a hook to the body and upstairs. Hard right to the body lands for Peter. Nice left hook from Peter rocks Toney backwards. Left jab and a right hand lands for Toney. They trade jabs. Hard left hook to the body lands for Peter. Another overhand right clubs Toney on the side of his head. Talkin smack still. "COME ON...COME ON!" Nice combo and a hard right by Peter to end the round. Round to Peter who's looking extremely impressive tonight.
Peter 68 Toney 64
Round 8
"Bang, bang, bang...finish this son of a bitch" was the advice that Freddie Roach gave Toney in the corner. Peter lands a hard left hook that wobbles Toney. Big left hook to the body now lands for Peter. They trade hooks. Toney standing in front of him still. Toney working the body now. Two jabs from Peter land. 1-2 lands for Toney. Left hook for Peter lands. Toney works the body on the inside. Peter slowing down a bit. Toney lands an uppcercut to the chest of Peter. They trade jabs. Peter dancing on his toes and lands a 1-2 to end the round. Round to Peter.
Peter 78 Toney 73
Round 9
Billy Blanks tells Toney that Peter is a sucka for the left hook, but ironically, that's what Toney keeps getting countered with. Perhaps some confusion in the corner with Blanks and Roach giving advice. Peter clubs Toney with a right hook. They trade jabs. Toney lands a nice three punch combo. Toney wants to retreat to the ropes, but Peter wants nothing of it. Just waits for Toney to come back to the center of the ring. Toney obliges. Peter keeps Toney at bay with his jab. Toney lands a huge right hand, but Peter just eats it and spins him into the ropes. Peter measuring. Toney talkin smack. Counters with a right. They trade rights. Peter lands a left. Toney counters with a left. Close round, but I give it to Peter.
Peter 88 Toney 82
Round 10
Both men a little sluggish to start the round. They trade jabs. Toney lands a left hook. Some clinching. They trade hooks. Toney wobbles. Peter mocks him. Toney shakes it off and comes forward. Peter landing the jab. Right hand lands for Peter. Toney just eats it. Peter ironically slips to the side and makes Toney miss along the ropes. Toney lands a left hook. Peter lands a left of his own. Jab lands for Peter. 1-2 lands for Toney. They trade jabs. Another good round for Peter.
Peter 98 Toney 91
Round 11
More clinching to start the round. They trade jabs. Nice 1-2 combo lands for Toney. Three jabs land for Peter. Toney lands a left hook and smiles. Woooo...hard body shot lands for Peter. Toney just takes it and walks forward. "COME ON!" Short right lands for Peter. Toney lands a nice combo. Peter lands a left to the body. Jab lands for Toney. Peter keeps Toney at bay with his jab again. OHHHHHHH...Peter clips Toney with a right hand while the ref was breaking them. Peter gets a warning. He puts his hand out to touch gloves, but Toney wants nothing to do with it. Peter jumps on him with a big flurry of punches to end the round...pretty much all of them missed though as Toney slipped most of them along the ropes. Round to Peter.
Peter 108 Toney 100
Round 12Toney lands a nice left hook. Peter pushes him back with his jab. Big right hand rains down from over top by Toney. Peter just eats it. Peter lands a body shot. Toney lands a right. Peter lands another nice body shot. They trade jabs. Peter doubles up on the jab now. Both men bouncing on their toes. Peter throws a flurry that backs Toney up. Toney lands a body shot. Peter lands a chopping right over the top. Toney misses wildly with a left hook. Both men bouncing on their toes at the end of the fight. Toney not willing to go after Peter. Peter fires a jab and a right and dances with joy at the end of the round as he clearly knows that he put on an impressive peformance in what should be a guaranteed victory once the scorecards are read. "Muhammad Ali in the last round," stated Peter. "Muhammad Ali"
Peter 118 Toney 109
"We have a unanimous decision..."
119-108, 118-110, 118-110
"...all three in favor of the winner....THE NIGERIAN NIGHTMARE...SAMUEL PETER....."
Before the fight, Peter said that Toney made him into a better fighter.
He was right!