Round by Round: Pacquiao -vs- Larios

By B. "The Hype" Thompson


Round by Round: Pacquiao -vs- Larios

Prefight's a packed house tonight. Oscar Larios enters first. The crowd is boos tonight as the they show their respect for the former super bantamweight champion. Larios looks confident. The hometown hero enters next to "Gonna Fly Now", the theme song of Rocky. The crowd cheers. Pacquiao looks ready to go. "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..." The crowd erupts.

Round 1
There's the bell. Larios stands firm in the center of the ring and fires the jab. Pacquiao fires a jab of his own. Pacquiao starts off he's looking for something. Larios dancing on the outside. They clinch. A few more jabs from Larios hit nothing. Pacquiao stalking...lands a right to the body. Larios throws a four punch combo and lands a couple. Pacquiao tries to press, but doesn't land anything. 1-2 from Larios lands. Pacquiao lands a combo that gets the crowd excited. Larios working the jab. Pacquiao stalking. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Ohhhh...the Ali shuffle from Pacquiao pumps the crowd up, but Larios outworked him to win the round.

Larios 10 Pacquiao 9

Round 2
1-2 from Larios is blocked. Pacquiao looks hesitant...charges in with a combo and lands a big left hand that wobbles Larios a bit. The crowd begins to chant "Manny, Manny, Manny". Right hand for Larios lands. Pacquiao pressing. Left hand lands for Pacquiao. Larios lands a jab. 1-2 misses for Larios. They trade big shots....whoa Larios eats a right that buckles him. Larios retreats, but he still fires back. Pacquiao stalks again. Slapping right hand for Larios lands. A left hand lands for Pacquiao in a nice flurry to end the round. Round to Pacquiao.

Larios 19 Pacquiao 19

Round 3
Larios fires a four punch combo....WHOA....Pacquiao is rocked by a left hand. Larios working Pacquiao against the ropes. He's hurt. Larios lands a straight right again. Pacquiao is hurt, but he shakes it off. Larios let's him off the hook. Now Pacquiao charges in with a flurry. Larios retreats. Larios workis the body on the inside. Pacquiao presses and lands a 1-2. The crowd erupts. Hard body shot lands for Pacquiao. Whoa...nice right hand lands for Pacquiao...and another as Larios just eats it. Larios lands a looping right...Pacquiao eats it and continues to press. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao...and another. Larios on the retreat. Pacquiao rallies to win the round.

Larios 28 Pacquiao 29

Round 4
Pacquiao presses forward. Larios works the jab. Body shot lands for Pacquiao. Right hand lands for Larios. They trade body shots. Pacquiao lands a left. Another straight left lands for Pacquiao...and a right....Pacquiao flurries. Larios stands in front and fires back. Left jab land for Larios. Larios misses with a wild right. Pacquiao lands a right. Nice 1-2 lands for Pacquiao...and another. Larios eats it and presses forward now. Pacquiao lands a right. Stiff jab lands for Larios. Round to Pacquiao.

Larios 37 Pacquiao 39

Round 5
Larios fires the jab. Pacquiao lands a left to the body. Pacquiao stalking. Larios lands a right. Right to the body lands for Larios. Pacquiao lands a right to the body of his own. 1-2 lands to the head for Pacquiao. Hard uppercut lands for Pacquiao. Larios fires the jab. Hard left-hand lead snaps the head back of Larios. Another one snaps the head back again. Right hand to the body lands for Pacquiao. Larios fires the jab...most getting blocked. 1-2 to the body lands for Pacquiao after a clash of heads. Again...another sneaky left-hand lead lands for Pacquiao. Round to Pacquiao.

Larios 46 Pacquiao 49

Round 6
Larios back to firing the jab. Pacquiao dancing on the outside. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. The crowd erupts. Larios misses with two lefts...Pacquiao doesn't. Lands another lead straight left. Pacquiao stalking again. Larios missing with his right hands more. 5-punch combo to the body lands for Pacquiao...and another left hand jacks Larios. Again...left hand lands for Pacquiao. Larios getting hit a lot now....starting to look fatigued. Not much on his punches. Pacquiao starting to chop him down...landing a lot of punches. Larios looks ready to go. Pacquiao dancing on his toes...Larios looks tired, but still coming forward with weak punches. Larios trying to load up with his punches, but they don't look like they have much on them. Round to Pacquiao.

Larios 55 Pacquiao 59

Round 7
Left hand lands for Pacquiao. Jab landing for Pacquiao...and two lefts. OHHHHHH....a NASTY right hook drops Larios. He's up...he takes the eight count. Larios looks okay. Works behind the jab. OHHHHH....another HUGE left hand lands for Pacquiao. Larios looks wobbled now. Pacquiao landing a lot again. Larios looks weak, but still firing back. Larios lands a left hand. And a right hand lands for Larios. Pacquiao stalking. Nice 3-punch combo lands for Pacquiao. Another right hand wobbles Larios back. Big round for Pacquiao.

Larios 63 Pacquiao 69

Round 8
Larios still firing the jab. Pacquiao walking him down. Hard left to the body lands for Pacquiao. Right to the body lands for Larios. Larios misses a right hand. Hard body shot lands for Pacquiao. Big right hand rocks the head of Larios. Left hand lands for Pacquiao. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Another left...and a nice uppercut lands for Pacquiao. Larios retreats. Pacquiao jacks him with another left. Larios against the ropes....eats a lot of punches from Pacquiao. Round to Pacquiao.

Larios 72 Pacquiao 79

Round 9
Larios on the retreat. Pacquiao stalking. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Two straight lefts land for Pacquiao. Another left lands for Pacquiao. Larios swings and misses wildly. Pacquiao hits him with another left. Larios slaps to the body with a right. Pacquiao works the body and then lands a right. Hard left lands for Pacquiao. Larios retreats. left-hand lead lands again. And again. Right hand lands for Larios. Round to Pacquiao.

Larios 81 Pacquiao 89

Round 10
Larios looks weak, but he's still throwing. Pacquiao just circling and dancing. Pacquiao lands a 1-2 on the inside. Hard left lands for Pacquiao. Larios looks weak. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao...and a hard left. Larios looks weak. Big left hook lands for Pacquiao. Larios still there. Two left hands land...and another lands for Pacquiao. Larios still there...still throwing...lands a right. Pacquiao lands a nice combo...looks to be just playing around in there...getting in some work. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Larios retreats. Big left hand lands for Pacquiao. He flurries at the end of the round and the crowd erupts. Round to Pacquiao.

Larios 90 Pacquiao 99

Round 11
Larios fires the jab...lands a left to the body. Pacquiao works the body and then lands a left. Anotherleft lands for Pacquiao. Larios still firing though...lands a left of his own. Hard body shot lands for Pacquiao. Two more hard body shots land for Pacquiao. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. 1-2-3 lands for Pacquiao. Larios retreats...just loading up with one punch that misses. Body shot lands for Pacquiao...and a 1-2. Round to Pacquiao.

Larios 99 Pacquiao 109

Round 12
Pacquiao presses...looking to close the show. Straight left lands for Pacquiao. Body shot lands for Pacquiao. Jab lands for Pacquiao....and a quick 4 punch combo gets the crowd excited. Larios eats another 4 punch combo, but he still fires away. Left hook lands for Larios that has Pacquiao smiling. 3 punch combo drops Larios. He's up and takes the eight count. Right hand lands for Larios, but he eats another left. Round to Pacquiao.

Larios 107 Pacquiao 119

Official judges scorecards...

117-110, 118-108, 120-106

Manny Pacquiao by Unanimous Decision