PrefightBoth fighters look focused during the singing of the national anthems. Morales enters first to a thunderous cheer. He looks to be in great shape and ready to go. Pacquiao enters next to a thunderous cheer of his own. He looks confident. "LADIES AND GENTLEMAN....LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEEE!!!" Wow. The atmosphere is electric.
Round 1They touch gloves to start the fight. Both men being cautious. Morales misses a 1-2. Pacquiao fires the jab...lands a left to the body. Morales lands his jab. Not much going on right now. Pacquiao works the body...lands a left. Pacquiao lands a right over the top. Morales looks pissed and presses the action. Morales lands a nice combo that has Pacquiao covering up and retreating. Pacquiao lands the straight left. Good body shot lands for Pacquiao. Both men flurry at the end of the round. Round to Pacquiao.
Morales 9 Pacquiao 10Round 2
Pacquiao coming forward as Morales looks to counter. Pacquiao tries to work the body. Morales keeping his guard high. Pacquiao pressing the action. Morales lands a left. Left hand lands for Pacquiao. Another left backs Morales up. Pacquiao lands a 1-2. Morales lands a left of his own. Wooooooo...straight left knocks Morales off balance. Pacquiao throwing bunches of punches. Morales lands a straight right. Pacquiao back to working the body....lands an overhand right. Woooo...great round. It's another war.
Morales 18 Pacquiao 20Round 3Left hand lands for Pacquiao. Morales fires the jab. Another left lands for Pacquiao. Overhand right lands for Morales that puts Pacquiao on the defensive. They trade rights. Pacquiao lands an uppercut. Right hand lands for Pacquiao as well. Morales will have to pick up the action. Straight left lands for Pacquiao. Morales comes forward, but misses with 3 punches. Morales lands a jab. Pacquiao lands a left to the body. Morales lands the jab. Good body shot lands for Morales. Another nice 1-2 lands for Morales. Uppercut lands for Morales. Left hand lands for Morales. Pacquiao still trying to work the body. Right hand down the pipe lands for Morales. Round to Morales.
Morales 28 Pacquiao 29Round 4
Morales circles and Pacquiao follows. Pacquiao lands a left to the body and right to the head. Morales lands a counter left. Morales landing the jab more often. Pacquiao lands an uppercut to the body. Morales lands a right hand. Jab lands for Morales. Woooo...two right hands snap Pacquiao's head back. Uppercut lands for Pacquiao. Morales keeping his guard tight. Right hand lands for Morales. Another right hand lands to the body for Morales. Pacquiao is slowing down. Round to Morales.
Morales 38 Pacquiao 38Round 5
Strong left-right combo lands for Morales to start the round. Big left hand lands for Pacquiao, but Morales is unfazed. Woooo...right hand lands right on the button for Morales. Another 1-2 lands for Morales. Morales starting to impose his will. Pacquiao lands a 1-2, but not much on it. Morales landing the jab easily. Big right hand lands for Morales. Pacquiao lands the straight left right up the middle. Pacquiao works the body. Morales does too, but more effectively. Round to Morales.
Morales 48 Pacquiao 47Round 6
Both men working behind the jab now, but it's clear that Morales has the stiffer one. Pacquiao lands a right hand that backs Morales up. Left hand lands for Pacquiao. 10 punch combo thrown by Pacquiao, but only lands about 2 punches. Morales lands a couple of jabs. Another stiff left jab lands for Morales. Straight left lands for Pacquiao. Uppercut lands for Pacquiao. Another straight left lands for Pacquiao. 3 punch combo lands for Pacquiao as Morales retreats. Straight left landing with ease for Pacquiao. 3 punch combo lands for Pacquiao. Morales lands a right over the top. Body shot lands for Pacquiao that has Morales dropping his hands. left hand lands for Pacquiao. Wooooo...Pacquiao throws a 5 punch combo that rocks Morales at the end of the round. Huge round for Pacquiao.
Morales 57 Pacquiao 57Round 7
Morales comes out strong to establish himself. Pacquiao continues to work the body. Nice left hook has Pacquiao rocked. Pacquiao retreats to the ropes. Morales looking to finish him, but Pacquiao waves him in as if to say "bring it on". They trade. Pacquiao getting the worst of it. Now Pacquiao is coming forward. uuppercut lands for Pacquiao. Left hand lands for Moraels. Pacquiao works the body. This is a war. Both men unloading. Morales looks tired. Pacquiao lands a straight left. Right hand lands for Pacquiao. Uppercut and a left lands for Pacquiao as Morales retreats. They trade at the end of the round. Round to Morales, but Pacquiao finished strong and may have done enough for a nice comeback in the eyes of some. Morales looks really bad right now.
Morales 67 Pacquiao 66Round 8
Morales is looking tired, but he's still firing back. Pacquiao lands a hard right hand that has Morales retreating. Morales lands a counter right. Straight left lands for Pacquiao. Body shot lands for Pacquiao that again has Morales dropping his hands. Morales let's his hands go. They trade. Pacquiao staying much more active. Morales looks really tired as he wobbles back to the ropes. They trade lefts. Pacquiao looks like the fresher of the two. Right hand by Morales is blocked. Pacquiao presses the action and lands a nice 1-2. Morales tries to steal the round with a flurry at the end. Round to Pacquiao.
Morales 76 Pacquiao 76Round 9
Morales retreats looking to counter. Pacquiao coming forward. Morales lands a right hand. Pacquiao jabs to the body. Pacquiao lands a right. Morales retreats. Pacquiao tries to work the body...Morales retreats. Morales misses a 1-2 over the top. Straight left lands for Pacquiao. Uppercut lands for Morales that has Pacquiao retreating now. Straight left lands for Pacquiao. Another left lands for Pacquiao. They trade, but Pacquiao gets the better of it. Wooo...short left hook on the inside lands for Pacquiao. Morales lands a right. Pacquiao lands a couple of jabs and a left. Another straight left lands for Pacquiao. Morales lansd a jab. 3-punch combo lands for Pacquiao. Pacquiao throwing a lot of flurries as Morales just covers up. Morales actually retreats for the last 5 seconds as the crowd boos a little. Round to Pacquiao.
Morales 85 Pacquiao 86Round 10
Pacquiao fires the jab. Morales lands his jab. Pacquiao dancing on the outside. Good uppercut lands to the body for Pacquiao. Another one lands...and a straight left lands as Morales drops his hands. Another hard left has Morales on his bike. 4 right hands in a row land for Pacquiao. Uppercut and a left lands for Pacquiao. Morales drops his hands. They trade. Wooooooo..down goes Morales...down goes Morales from a left hook. He's fatigued. Morales is up at 8, but Pacquiao looks to finish him off. Morales goes down again and it's over. It's over. The ref waves it off. Pacquiao stops him with his constant pressure and body attack.
Pacquiao TKO10