PrefightWoooooooooo. Surprisingly, I'm pretty hyped to get this fight started! Vargas weighs in tonight at 166....Mosley at 159. Mosley enters first. Smiles and waves to the crowd...his father accompanies him to the ring. He looks confident...really playing it up to the crowd. Vargas enters next. He looks focused and confident as well. Vargas looks ready to fight...has that look in his eye that he had when he was younger. A little bit of electricity in the air. "LET'S GET TO RUUMMMMBLLLEEEEEEE!"
Round 1
Shane looks ready. Vargas looks ready. There's the bell. Both men come out pawing with the jab. Mosley initiates the first exchange. Vargas lands a body shot. Mosley lands a nice 1-2. Vargas lands a hard right hand. Mosley digs to the body. Vargas lands a body shot. They clinch. Mosley lands a hard right to the body. Left hook by Vargas is blocked. Hard right hand to the body lands for Vargas. Both men focusing on the body. Nice left hook to the body lands for Vargas. Woooo...big looping right hook lands to the head of Vargas for Mosley. They trade jabs. Woooooo....big right hand lands for Mosley that has the crowd in awe. Vargas misses with a right. Right hand for Mosley touches Vargas. Right hand lands for Mosley. Good round. Round to Mosley.
Mosley 10 Vargas 9Round 2Already some swelling over the left eye of Vargas. Vargas works the body and lands a right. Nice right hands lands for Mosley...and a hard left hook to the body. Another left hook to the body lands for Mosley. The crowd chants for Vargas. Mosley dances away. Hard body shot lands for Vargas, but Mosley answers with a crushing one of his own. Now chants for Mosley. Another hard left hook to the body lands for Mosley. Vargas touching Mosley with the jab now. Left hook lands for Mosley...another. Hard right hook to the body lands for Mosley. Vargas tries to rough him up on the inside....lands some good body punches. Good overhand right lands for Mosley. Jab landing for Mosley now. Vargas lands a right. Nice body shot lands for Mosley that has Vargas clinching. Nice cobmo lands for Mosley. Big right hand lands for Mosley. The crowd is loving it. Wooo...nice right hand lands for Vargas. The speed difference is evident. Round to Mosley.
Mosley 20 Vargas 18Round 3That eye is swelling badly now...shades of Rahman in the Holyfield fight. Mosley staying on the outside. Crunching right hook to the body lands for Mosley. Right hand lands for Vargas. Wooo...nice left hook lands for Vargas, but a hook to the body by Mosley has Vargas doubling over. Shane peppers the jab....lands a right hand over the top. Mosley's starting to land some nice combos. Vargs tries to make it ugly on the inside. Cortez warns Vargas to keep the punches up. Vargas continues to make it rough on the inside...Cortez continues to warn him. Hard right hook to the body lands for Mosley...and a hook to the head lands for Mosley. Wooooo...right hand lands for Mosley. Left hook lands to the body for Mosley. Vargas presses the action...lands a good combo at the end, but Mosley answers with some shots of his own. Round to Mosley, but Vargas is starting to make it rough in there for the little man.
Mosley 30 Vargas 27Round 4
Vargas misses with an overhand right. Mosley stays on the outside. 1-2 lands for Mosley. Right hand lead lands for Vargas. Vargas walking him down. Another right hand lead lands for Vargas. Mosley lands a right. Peppers the jab. Vargas continues to walk him down. Mosley lands a right and a left. Vargas lands the right hand lead again....Mosley answers with a nice left hook. Left hook to the body lands for Vargas. Right hand lead lands for Vargas. Vargas making it rough...hitting Mosley with a lot now. Nice left hook lands for Vargas. Mosley wearing down a bit. Right hand lead lands again for Vargas. Mosley looks tired. Jab landing for Vargas...and another right hand. Round to Vargas.
Mosley 39 Vargas 37Round 5
Vargas closes the distance quickly. Overhand right lands for Molsey. They trade hooks. Mosley fires the jab, but not much on it. Right hook lands for Mosley. Body shot lands for Vargas. Vargas walking him down again....making it rough. Right hook to the body lands for Mosley, but Vargas looks unfazed. Left hook lands for Vargas. Mosley lands a right. Vargas lands a right of his own. Short hooks land on the inside for Vargas. Vargas working the body. Vargas walking him down. Mosley looks really tired...REALLY tired. Vargas just laying on Mosley...making it rough. Overhand right lands for Vargas. Right hook lands for Mosley. Mosley taking a lot of punishment on the inside now....shades of his fights with Wright. Round to Vargas.
Mosley 48 Vargas 47Round 6
Vargas still making it rough...almost picked Mosley up to start the round. Mosley sitting down on his punches...lands a nice uppercut. Nice exchange by both men. Vargas works the body. Woooo...nice counter right hand lands for Vargas. Mosley can't seem to get away from that right hand. Vargas walking him down again...lands a devastating body shot. Left jab rocks Mosley's head back. Body shots land for Vragas ... wooooooooooooooooo ... both men just missed each other with straight rights. That would have been nasty if either man was able to land. Mosley peppers his jab, but doesn't have much on it. Vargas landing some nice short hooks on the inside. Nice right hand lands for Mosley. Overhand right lands for Mosley....Mosley flurries at the end of the round and lands a good combo. Close round. Round to Vargas.
Mosley 57 Vargas 57Round 7Mosley is tired, but he's still landing some big punches. Nice right hand lands for Mosley. Vargas lands a low blow. Vargas just pushing Mosley around now. Left hook lands for Mosley. Left jab lands for Vargas. Both men pushing on each other. Vargas making it ugly on the inside. Cortez reminds Vargas to keep his punches up. A lot of wrestling going on now. Right hand lands for Vragas. Mosley works the body. Left hook lands for Vargas. Right hand lands for Vargas. Vargas is the bigger man...the stronger man...and it's evident. I'll be shocked to see Mosley continue like this for another five rounds. Round to Vargas.
Mosley 66 Vargas 67Round 8Mosley jumps in with a let hook that's blocked. Big right hook lands for Mosley. Vargas contnues to wrestle him on the inside. Mosley peppers the jab...lands a right. Overhand right lands for Mosley and they clinch. Vargas pushes him back. Hard left hook lands for Mosley...and another lands. Nice body shot lands for Mosley. Vargas wrestles a little more on the inside. Woooo...big right hand lands for Mosley...and another. Fernando's eye is UGLY....he definitely looks like Rahman now. Vargas continues to press forward and walk him down. Mosley working more effectively now....lands a nice overhand right. Mosley lands two more rights. Vargas can't see it coming. Mosley eats some left hooks, but somehow he's rallied back in control of this fight. Fernando's eye looks HORRIBLE. Round to Mosley.
Mosley 76 Vargas 76Round 9Vargas tries to work the body. Mosley lands an overhand right. Mosley peppers the jab...snaps Fernando's head back. They trade jabs. Vargas works the body. ...tries to make it rough again. Three HARD left hooks to the body land for Mosley...and a right lands. That eye is bad. Cortez may stop it. Vargas lands a right. Vargas lands another overhand right. Mosley pops him with the jab. Vargas lands a left hook....Mosley lands a right. Vargas touches him with the right hand lead. Short chopping right hook lands for Vargas. Mosley lands a hook to end the round. Round to Mosley.
Mosley 86 Vargas 85Round 10That eye is shut. Vargas continues to wrestle on the inside....just misses with a right. Mosley lands a right. Right hand lands for Mosley. That's it. Cortez stops it. Wow. Unbelievable. Cortez had seen enough. That eye is bad...I must agree. Good stoppage, but not the manner in which we wanted to see it end. Good fight though.
Mosley TKO10