Estrada enters first...walks slowly but calmly to the ring. Stops to pray in a corner. Mosley enters to Phil Collins. Phil Collins? In the air of the night? Interesting. Okay. Mosley looks confident. Waves to the fans as he enters the ring.
Round 1
There's the bell. Mosley jabs from the outside. Estrada stalks. Mosley working the jab. Estrada lands a good body shot. Estrada loops a left. Right hand lands for Estrada. Mosley goes to the body with a right. They clash heads. Mosley throws a big right...partially blocked. Mosley trying to counter. Estrada lands a hard left while holding. Right lands for Mosley. Hard left to the body from Shane. Estrada walks in and lands a left. Estrada lands another left. Round to Estrada.
Estrada 10 Mosley 9
Round 2Mosley comes out more aggressive. Estrada lands hard left to the body. Mosley flicks the jab. Strong jab to the body. Big right hand connects for Mosley. A little roughhouse on the inside. Hard right lands for Estrada. Mosley lands a hard left to the body. Estrada lands a right. Mosley lands a hard left to the body. Estrada charges forward. Mosley lands a right to the body. Estrada lands a good uppercut. Round to Mosley.
Estrada 19 Mosley 19
Round 3
Mosley comes out jabbing. Estrada misses with a wild left. Estrada missing wildly again. Hard left to the body from Estrada. Mosley answers with a left of his own. Estrada making it rough on the inside. Landing a lot. Lands a good right to the body. Mosley lands a big right hand. Jab keeps him at bay. Estrada charges forward. Estrada swings wildly...lands a good body shot. Mosley lands a strong left to the body. Mosley moving backwards as Estrada applies pressure. Round to Mosley...good body work. Estrada is definitely applying the pressure though. Can Mosley withstand it?
Estrada 28 Mosley 29
Round 4
Estrada lands a hard body shot. Big left to the head by Estrada. Mosley lands a good left to the body of his own. Another good body shot by Mosley. Estrada bulls in. Estrada shot partially blocked. Mosley lands another shot to the body. Estrada does some work by the ropes...lands a right. Hard body shot to the body by Mosley. Estrada is hurt. Ties him up. Estrada retreats. The body is definitely hurt. Mosley crushes him with a devastating body shot at the end of the round. Big round for Mosley.
Estrada 37 Mosley 39
Round 5Mosley comes out jabbing. Hard shot to the body by Mosley. Mosley landing more body shots. Lands a BIG counter right. Two hooks lands for Mosley. Estrada swings wildly...lands a short right. Hard right lands for Mosley. Estrada lands a left. Round to Mosley.
Estrada 46 Mosley 49
Round 6Estrada bulls forward. They trade hooks. Mosley lands a stiff jab. Hard right lands for Mosley. Mosley lands a good uppercut. Left lands for Estrada. Hard left hook lands for Estrada. Hard body shot lands for Mosley...and a straight right. Estrada still pressing forward. Mosley stil focusing on the body. Hard left to the body lands for Mosley. Mosley measuring now. Round to Mosley.
Estrada 55 Mosley 59
Round 7
Big uppercut just misses Estrada. Estrada presses forward. Mosley flicks the jab. Big uppercut lands for Estrada. Hard right lands for Mosley...another...and another. Estrada still coming forward. Hard right to the body and head. Estrada lands a big right to the head of Mosley. Mosley looks hurt momentarily. Mosley lands a big right. Estrada wobbles forward. Round to Mosley.
Estrada 64 Mosley 69
Round 8
Mosley jumps on Estrada. Hard shots land on the inside for both men. Mosley lands a big right hand. Estrada lands a left of his own. Shane lands a hard right to the body. Estrada lands a big right while Mosley pulls back. Hard left to the body for Mosley. Another hard left to the body for Mosley. Straight right lands for Mosley. Estrada swings wildly. Mosley lands a right to end the round. Round to Mosley.
Estrada 73 Mosley 79
Round 9Estrada lands a right. Mosley retreats....flicks the jab. Estrada comes forward. Lands a right...Mosley shakes it off. They trade rights. Mosley lands a few shots to the body. Estrada presses forward. Estrada lands a left. Mosley lands a left to the body. Estrada lands a right. Mosley took the round off...round to Estrada.
Estrada 83 Mosley 88
Round 10
They trade in the center. Estrada chases him down. Mosley retreats and clinches. Mosley lands a hook. Stiff jab from Mosley. Body shot lands for Mosley. Estrada comes forward punching while Mosley dodges most of it. They trade at the end. Mosley lands big punches. Round to Mosley for landing the more telling blows.
Estrada 92 Mosley 98