Round by Round: McBride -vs- Tyson

By B. "The Hype" Thompson


Round by Round: McBride -vs- Tyson

Kevin McBride comes out first to a group of guys playing the bagpipes. The crowd boos. The bagpipes play a little louder to drown out the boos...the crowd boos louder. Make no mistake who they showed up to see. Tyson enters next...accompanied by undisputed welterweight champion Zab Judah. Surprisingly, Tyson enters to no music. The crowd cheers...not as loud as expected, but loud nonetheless.

More prefight
Tyson stalks and snarls at McBride in the ring while Jimmy Lennon Jr. makes the announcements. Iiiiiit's Showtime!!! The crowd erupts. More boos as McBride is announced. The crowd erupts as they announce Tyson.

Round 1
Crowd on their feet. McBride lumbers to the center. Tyson walks to the center. McBride throws first and misses. Ties Tyson up immediately. Tyson jabs. Stays on the outside. Lands a hard hook to the body. And another. McBride ties him up. Tyson working the body. Another hook to the body. Tyson jabs again. Hard left hook lands to the head for Tyson. They clinch up...both men work on the inside. Hard right to the body for Tyson. Tyson misses wildly. They trade uppercuts. Tyson lands a hard right to the body. McBride clubs down on the back of Tyson's head. Tyson bobs and weaves. McBride continues to hold and hit. Competitive first round. Round to Tyson though, but competititve.

Tyson 10 McBride 9

Round 2
Tyson back to jabbing. Throws a wild left hook that's partially blocked. McBride fires back on the inside. McBride is here to fight. Tyson lands a jab. Good body shot lands for McBride. Tyson tied up on the inside...McBride works. Tyson lands a jab. Hard body shot lands for Tyson. Tyson tied up again...McBride still throwing on the inside. Hard body shot lands low for Tyson...Cortez warns him. Hard uppercut lands for McBride. Tyson backs up. McBride has Tyson moving backwards. Tyson leaping back and forth....Tyson lands one body shot, but McBride lands a couple on the inside as well. Very competitive...round to McBride.

Tyson 19 McBride 19

Round 3
Tyson explodes out of the corner...lands some blows on the inside. Tyson getting agitated. Tyson lands some hard body shots. Tyson landing hard shots now...and biting on his left glove for some reason. Something he used to do as an amateur. Tyson getting bothered. Lands another hard shot. Hard left hook lands to the head of shot landed for Tyson. Hard body shot lands for Tyson....Tyson landing a lot now. McBride tries to smother. Tyson lands a combo. McBride leans on him...lands an uppercut. Tyson misses wildly. Hard body shot lands for Tyson...better round for him. Round to Tyson

Tyson 29 McBride 28

Round 4
Tyson lands a big right to start the round...and throws with evil intentions. Lands a combo...McBride smothers him. Tyson lands two hard shots to the body...and an uppercut. Another hard right lands for Tyson...McBride waves him in. Tyson tries to headbutt him...Tyson getting mad. Lands a huge overhand right. McBride weathers the storm. Hard left hook to the body for Tyson. Nasty left hook lands to the head. McBride smothers him. Vicious hard overhand right lands for Tyson...McBride shakes his head like it didn't hurt. Tyson goes back to the body. Uppercut misses for Tyson. McBride works the inside. Round to Tyson.

Tyson 39 McBride 37

Round 5
Huge right lands for Tyson. And then an elbow...and a head. McBride misses to the body...Tyson doesn't. Hard right hand lands for Tyson. McBride unfazed. McBride lands a combo. Right hand lands for Tyson. Hard right hand lands to the body for Tyson...McBride lifts his foot. McBride lands the jab though...and clubs on the inside. McBride lands an uppercut on the inside. Tyson looks a little tired. Hard body shot lands for Tyson. McBride lands the jab. Tyson looks really tired. McBride landing from the outside. Nasty uppercut lands for McBride. Hard body shot lands for McBride...and a huge uppercut. Tyson getting pummeled on the ropes. A scarey moment for Tyson, but the bell rings. Round to McBride.

Tyson 48 McBride 47

Round 6
Tyson looks pissed. Tyson unloads everything. Lands some nasty shots. McBride smothers him...Tyson tries to break his arm. Shades of Tyson-Botha. Tyson is frustrated. McBride is cut. Clash of heads. Is Tyson looking for the easy way out? 2 point deduction...intentional headbutt. Wow! Tyson lands a big right to the head...and one to the body. Tyson tries to break his arm again. Hard right to the body....and a big one upstairs....and a left upstairs lands for Tyson. It's getting rough on the inside. Tyson lands a right. Big uppercut lands for McBride. Tyson lands a right...two uppercuts land for McBride. McBride working him on the inside. He leans on him and pushes him down at the end of the round. Tyson can't get up. Tyson can barely make it to his feet. It was a push...but Tyson looked like he didn't want to get up. Round to McBride. It's over....Tyson quit. Tyson doesn't get up. It's over...Tyson quit on his stool. McBride wins. Tyson quit.

McBride TKO6

Wow! On the advice of the corner...the fight is stopped. Tyson says he realized he didn't have it anymore. He doesn't have the fighting guts anymore. "I'm just sorry I let everyone down. I'm just fighting to take care of my money situation." "I'm not going to disrespect the sport by losing to this caliber of fighter." "I don't have any deisre for the sport...I'm sorry for the people...I wish they could get their money back." "I knew I didn't have it in my stomach anymore, but I had to take care of my situation."


The crowd boos Tyson as he leaves....Tyson is hit with a cup of Coke as he exits. Tyson flips off the fan...and walks off to his dressing room. And that's how it ends.
