Prefight Scott Pemberton enters first to some Eminem...."snap back to better lose yourself in the blah, blah, blah..." Pemberton looks wide-eyed and ready. Lacy enters next and boy does he look pissed. Lacy looks focused...blows kisses to the crowd as he enters the ring. iiIIIIT'S SHOWTIME!
Round 1 They meet at the center. Pemberton fires the jab. Lacy circles. Lacy lands a stiff right...and another right lands for Lacy. Pemberton fires a 1-2. Pemberton being extremely active. Lacy lands two lefts as Pemberton retreats. Pemberton fires the jab. Lacy fires a 1-2. Pemberton lands a 1-2 of his own. Pemberton staying busy with the jab. Big overhand right lands for Lacy. Pemberton fires some slow punches and retreats. Lacy follows and lands a big left hand that rocks Pemberton's head back. Pemberton back to firing the jab. Lacy lands a 1-2 to the body. Round to Lacy. Pemberton has a gameplan, but he looks like he may be getting tired already.
Lacy 10 Pemberton 9
Round 2 Lacy comes out quick. Lands two big right hands and Pemberton ties him up. Pemberton fires the jab and lands a quick 1-2 combo. Lacy fires back. Pemberton jabs and Lacy leaps in with a left hook that's blocked. Right hands lands for Pemberton. Pemberton doubles up on hte jab. Pemberton lands a 1-2 on the inside. Lacy lands a 1-2 to the body and a right hand drops Pemberton. He takes the full count and gets up at 8. Lacy fires some bombs that just miss. The right hand lands for Lacy though and sends Pemberton staggering back. Lacy lands a big left that staggers him again. Pemberton just crumples over against the ropes, but he's still standing. Lacy presses the issue...lands a big left and a HUGE, MONSTROUS RIGHT HAND that puts Pemberton down and out on the canvas. It's over. That's it. Vic Draculich doesn't even bother to count. He waves it off. Pemberton protests, but it's over. That was a devastating right hand thrown from Antarctica. Geesh. Good highlight material.