PrefightThe challenger, Carlos "Tata" Baldomir enters first looking calm, cool and confident, but anxious to get the fight started. Judah attempts to "ice" him by making him wait for his ring entrance. "The Champ is here....The Champ is here...." Music can be heard playing now....and in walks the undisputed welterweight champion. Judah looks serious. A very slow ring walk. Chants of "SUPAHHHH....JUDAHHHHHH". Judah looks real serious. Judah gets warned before the fight even starts as he slaps Baldomir on the thigh instead of touching gloves.
Round 1
Baldomir starts of with a lazy left hook. Judah fires the jab. Baldomir fires the hook, but Judah retreats. Baldomir lands a chopping left hook. Judah misses a 1-2. Baldomir lands a short right. Uppercut lands for Judah and they clinch. Judah lands a three punch combo. Right hand lands for Judah. Baldomir misses a 1-2. Judah works the body...gets warned for a kidney shot. Judah feints an uppercut. Baldomir lands a left. Judah sticks a right of his own. Left hand lands for Judah and they trade at the end of the round. Round to Judah, but Baldomir looks game.
Judah 10 Baldomir 9Round 2
They meet at the center of the ring. Judah lands a jab to the body. Baldomir looking to land a hook, but misses. Chopping left hook is partially blocked by Judah. Judah lands a left to the body. Judah doing his best Mayweather impersonation right now. Right hook lands for Judah and he dances away. Big uppercut misses for Judah. A little roughhousing going on...the ref warns both men. Right hook lands for Judah. Straight left lands for Judah. Baldomir charges in and they clinch. Right hand lands for Judah as Baldomir charges in. Round to Judah.
Judah 20 Baldomir 18Round 3
Both men working the jab now. Baldomir lands a left. Judah lands a left of his own. Baldomir holds on. 1-2 lands for Judah...and another left hand lands for Judah. Baldomir holds on. Judah misses an uppercut. Baldomir lands a hook. Judah lands a three punch combo and dips out. A little more roughhousing on the inside. They trade lefts. Baldomir comes forward and lands another left. Judah lands a hook of his own. Baldomir is game...willing to trade. Woooo...strong straight left by Judah to end the round. Round to Judah.
Judah 30 Baldomir 27Round 4
Judah fires the jab. Baldomir misses an overhand right. Judah lands a right hook. Baldomir lands a long right hand as Judah pulls back. Baldomir pressing the action. Gets warned for holding and hitting. Judah sticks the jab and lands a right. Baldomir lands a looping hook to the back of Judah's head. Another hook lands for Baldomir. Hard body shot lands for Judah. Baldomir walks into a left. Judah lands an uppcercut. Hard right hand lands to the body for Judah. Baldomir still coming forward though and staying active while Judah is content to pick his punches. Round to Baldomir just for being more active, but Judah is landing some hard shots on the inside.
Judah 39 Baldomir 37Round 5Baldomir lands a left to start the round. Judah retreats. Judah lands a right hook. Hard right hand to the body lands for Judah. They trade. Judah works the jab. Misses a 1-2. Baldomir still following as Judah retreats. The crowd getting a little antsy. Good body shot lands for Baldomir. Another one lands. Hard 1-2 lands for Judah. Woooo...nice three punch combo lands for Judah, but Baldomir takes it well and asks for more. Judah lands a right. It's getting rough on the inside. Judah lands a short hook. Baldomir lands a right and a left. Judah lands another 1-2. Round to Judah.
Judah 49 Baldomir 46Round 6
Judah lands a left hook and follows with a nice counter right. Baldomir walks into a straight left after that. Baldomir lands a hook. Judah lands a couple of jabs. Wooooo...hard counter right hook lands for Judah. Left hook lands for Judah. Right jab lands for Judah. Judah's picking up the pace. Baldomir lands a wild right hook. Judah wokrs the jab as Baldomir follows. Big left hook lands for Judah. Judah retreats and takes a break against the ropes. Baldomir follows, but doesn't land anything of significance. Round to Judah.
Judah 59 Baldomir 55Round 7
Judah works the jab in the center of the ring. Baldomir lands a right. Straight left lands for Judah. Baldomir continues to follow and press the action. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....Baldomir lands a right hand that has Judah rocked. Judah holds on. The ref breaks them. Judah is rocked. Judah is hurt. Baldomir presses the action. Judah retreats. Judah is still hurt. Baldomir lands a left. Judah eats a right cross that rakes him across the face. Woooooo...HUGE right hand has Judah on queer street again. Judah is hurt badly. Baldomir looking to finish him. Wooooo.....Judah turns his back. He's rocked. 20 seconds left. Judah sticks his toungue out, but he's in a worlrd of trouble. Turns his back again. There's the bell. Wow. 10-8 round for Baldomir.
Judah 67 Baldomir 65Round 8
Judah retreats. He's still hurt. Tries to fire the jab. Baldmoir follows. Woooo...Baldmoimr lands another right hand that has Judah rocked. Judah retreats. Judah holds on. Judah fires the jab. Baldmoir misses an overhand right. Judah not throwing anything...a couple of jabs....just running for the most part. Baldmoir still coming forward. Lands a left hook. Right hand to the body lands for Baldomir. Judah fires the jab...still trying to shake off the cobwebs. Baldomir lands another straight right that sends Judah back. Judah tries the Tyson shimmy and fires a left, but it's blocked. They clinch to end the round. Round to Baldomir. Can he pull off the upset...or is he too far behind?
Judah 76 Baldomir 75Round 9
Judah fires the jab...starting to land some of them now. Baldmoir not pressing the action like he was originally. Judah content with staying on the outside. Baldomir misses with a 4 punch combo. Judah lands a hard right hand to the body. Baldomir might have let him off the hook. Judah not throwing anything again...content with staying on the outside. Baldomir misses a hook. Judah fires the jab. Baldomir works the body on the inside. Judah lands a right cross. Right hand by Baldomir is blocked by Judah. Uppercut lands for Judah. Baldomir works the body. They exchange at the end of the round and Judah lands two nice punches. Close round...neither man landed a lot, but I thought Baldomir eeked it out with his work rate.
Judah 85 Baldomir 85Round 10
Judah dances on the outside. Fires the jab. Baldomir just follows. Judah lands a right jab. Baldomir lands a right of his own. Judah sticks a jab in Baldomir's face. Baldomir looking for one punch now. They trade. Baldomir lands a left. Wooooooo...straight left lands for Judah that rocks Baldomir. Baldomir shakes it off and comes forward. Nice left-right combo lands for Judah. Judah works the jab again. Judah looks tired, but is doing a nice job of countering. Round to Judah.
Judah 95 Baldomir 94Round 11
Judah stays on the outside and keeps his distance behind the jab. Baldomir comes forward. Not much landing for either man right now. Judah lands a stiff jab. Baldmir tries to work the body, but Judah smothers most of it. Baldomir lands a right. Judah lands a right of his own. Judah lands a straight left. Baldomir tries to work him along the ropes. Judah blocks most of those punches. Round to Judah.
Judah 105 Baldmoir 103Round 12Baldomir lands a looping left hook. Judah retreats behind the jab. Baldomir walks into a straight left. Baldomir pitty-pats the body...Judah sticks the jab and dips away. Judah sticks the jab again as Baldomir just follows. Neither man landing much right now. Judah holds on. Baldomir lands a right, but Judah lands a nice 1-2 combo. Baldmoir lands a left that looks like it stuns Judah. Round to Baldomir.
Judah 114 Baldomir 113Boos from the crowd as Judah raises his hands in victory. It's taking a long time to get the judges scorecards added up.
Official scorecards: 115-113, 114-113, 115-112AND NEW....CARLOS BALDOMIR