Both men look to be in great shape. The bell rings! Here we go! Barrett comes out jabbing but not landing. Both men spend the first minute measuring out each other. Rahman fires to the body as Barrett sits against the ropes and jabs. First good jab lands for Rahman. Rahman fires a right hand but misses. Barrett backing up and jabbing. Both men fighting a very cautious first round. Both men hold and hit. Rahman lands another good jab.
10-9 RahmanROUND 2
Rahman throwing jabs on the outside but failing to land anything significant to start the round. Barrett lands a solid counter right hand to the chin of Rock. Rock goes back to the jab. Rock jabs as Barrett lays against the ropes. Barrett fires a short right hand that grazes Rock’s shoulder. Rock lands a jab followed by a shot to the body. Round about as exciting as watching paint dry.
10-9 RahmanROUND 3
Barrett comes out jabbing. Rahman lands a couple shots to the body. Both men clinch most of the first half of the round. Rahman continues to pay dividends to the body. Barrett lands a sharp left to the side of Rock’s head. He’s stunned somewhat by that shot. Barrett landing a good amount of jabs now. Both fighters spend most of their time clinching towards the end of the round.
10-9 BarrettROUND 4Â
Rahman comes out pressing the action. Barrett misses with a left hook. Barrett pushed against the ropes. Rock continues to pound the body on the inside. Rahman landing a solid jab now. Barrett going backwards. Good right hand over the top by Rahman. Not much happening. Both fighters holding and hitting. Lots of clinches to end the round.
10-9 RahmanROUND 5 Rahman comes out pressing once again. Good jabs land for both fighters. Barrett misses with a left cross. Rock lands a solid counter right hand. Barrett back pedaling into the ropes. Big right hand by Rock! Barrett buzzed and holding. Rahman pounds the body. Jay Nady warns of holding. Barrett landing a few jabs. Both men holding and hitting. Rahman lands a solid jab to end the round.
10-9 RahmanROUND 6 Rahman comes out chasing Barrett into the ropes. Rahman winning the battle of jabs so far. Barrett swings with a wild right hand but comes up short. Rahman just misses with an overhand right. Double right hand shot to the body for Rahman. Barrett fires back with a left cross. Good jab by Rahman. Rahman misses with a right hand over the top. Barrett backing up and jabbing. Jay Nady continues to warn Barrett for holding. Rahman with a good right hand on the inside.
10-9 RahmanROUND 7
Barrett comes out jabbing. Rahman swings relentlessly at Barrett with overhand rights. Barrett leaning against the ropes. Both men slugging it out on the inside. Barrett lands a good left cross. Rahman misses with two hard right hands. Barrett digs down to Rock’s body landing a couple good shots. Big right hand by Rahman as Barrett leans against the ropes. Barrett shakes his head and backs up jabbing. Barrett back to jabbing. Barrett lands a hard right hand. Rock back to stalking. Barrett visibly tired. Rahman lands a good body shot as the round ends.
10-9 RahmanROUND 8
Round begins with Jay Nady sending Barrett back to have his gloves retaped. Both men come out swinging for the fences. Most of their shots miss and the action ends up being tied up with clinches. Good right hand by Rahman. Rahman using his weight to push Barrett into the ropes. Barrett continues to hold on the inside as Rock pounds his body. Excellent left hand by Barrett! Rahman backs up momentarily. Rahman comes back firing the jab. Barrett loading up with the right hand now. Good right hand by Rahman! Barrett stops in his tracks! Time runs out!
10-9 RahmanROUND 9
Rahman begins the round crouching low and firing shots to the body. Barrett’s eye is getting worse with each minute. Rahman lands a jab. Barrett returns fire with a jab. Head butt! Rahman is cut. Nady stops the action for a moment. Rahman comes out firing the jab. Barrett swings with a wild right hand but misses and then lands a borderline low body shot. Both fighters loading up and missing. Good body shots by Barrett. Both fighters look at each other and stop throwing punches for the last 30 seconds of the round.
10-9 RahmanROUND 10
Both fighters come in at each other and wing big shots. Rahman lands a grazing right hand. Barrett lands a good one-two combination over the top. Barrett digging into Rock’s body now. Rahman missing with a right hand. Both fighters clinch. Barrett lands a right hand off balance. Barrett lands another right hand, this time somewhat blocked by Rahman. Rock landing a good jab. Both men holding and hitting to the body. Rahman with a good shot to the body. Barrett goes down but no knock down is called. Barrett seems to be exhausted.
10-9 BarrettROUND 11
Barrett opens up the round in the southpaw stance. Good jabs land for Barrett. Rock lands a body shot in against the ropes. Barrett fires a right hand but it is blocked by Rock. Rahman chasing Barrett but not throwing. Barrett running backwards flicking out a jab here and there. The crowd starts to boo. Barrett warned for holding again. Lots of clinching towards the end of the round.
10-10 EvenROUND 12
Both fighters touch gloves. Barrett fires a hard one-two combination. Rock slips it well and fires back to the body. Another clinch by Barrett. Rahman misses with a right hand. Excellent combination to the head by Rock. Barrett loses his mouthpiece. Nady stops the fight to put the mouth piece back in. Barrett holds and hits. Barrett fires a right hand. Rock slipping Barrett’s attack very well now. Rahman landing a jab. Another clinch. Good right hand by Barrett! Rahman dazed somewhat. Barrett swings with an uppercut and misses it. Rahman bleeding and wobbling against the ropes. Rahman almost goes down. Barrett firing shots at will. Both men trade at the bell.
10-9 BarrettSamuels Score: 117-112 Rahman