Round By Round: Mayorga -vs- Piccirillo

By Mike Samuels


Round By Round: Mayorga -vs- Piccirillo

The bell sounds and Mayorga  and Michele Piccirillo (MP) come to the center of the ring.  Big overhand right by Mayorga. Big lunging hook by Mayorga. MP backing up nicely and dodging Mayorga’s wild shots.  Mayorga misses with another right hand.  Right hand from Mayorga glazes MP and sends him back against the ropes.  Good body shot by Mayorga. Mayorga misses with an uppercut, MP lands a short counter right hand.  Mayorga missing most of his shots towards the end.

10 - 9 Mayorga

Mayorga lands a couple jabs and continues to miss with overhand rights. MP with a quick hook. Mayorga lands a hard shot on the top of MP’s head and drops him to a knee. Good right hand shot by Mayorga. Wild left hooks by Mayorga. MP digging in to the body on the inside. Big left cross by Mayorga lands flush on the chin! Down goes MP!! Mayorga misses with an uppercut and lands a quick right hand. Mayorga claims he was head butted. MP doesn’t seem to be too hurt at the moment. Accidental head butt is ruled and MP is cut on the top of his head.

10-7 Mayorga

MP cut on the hairline with blood flowing to start the round. Mayorga lands two hard overhand rights.  Another good right hand by Mayorga. MP seems to be taking his shots well now. Mayorga misses with a chopping right hand. MP lands a quick right. Good body shot followed up top with a right cross by MP. MP lands a right hand counter. Excellent body shot by MP. Mayorga lands a quick uppercut.

10-9 Piccirillo

MP comes out and lands a jab. MP feinting Mayorga’s big shots well. MP lands another jab, followed up with a shot to the body. Good left cross by MP. Mayorga lands a sharp right hand! MP is down but doesn’t seem to be hurt. Good right hands by MP. Mayorga landing a double jab and missing with an uppercut. MP doing good body work. Mayorga lands a grazing right hand at the end of the round.

10-9 Mayorga

MP comes out throwing multiple jabs. Mayorga waiting to land one big haymaker. MP lands a right hand and digs down to the body of Mayorga. MP lands a jab and goes back down to the body on the inside. Both men circling around each other not doing much. Mayorga misses a right hand. Mayorga lands a right hand this time while pawing with his left jab at MP’s face. MP landing the jab over and over.

10-9 Piccirillo

Bell rings and the referee stops the action to wipe some Vaseline from Mayorga’s forehead. MP circling Mayorga and throwing a good left jab. Three more jabs by MP followed by a left hook. Mayorga lands a grazing right hand but it doesn’t do much damage. Mayorga missing with a wild haymaker and then is warned for rough housing on the inside. Good counter jab by Mayorga. Short uppercut by MP lands. Good left hand by MP. Solid uppercut to the body by Mayorga. MP lands a counter right and then digs to the body of Mayorga. Mayorga landing a good uppercut combination, follows it up with a right hand.

10-9 Mayorga

MP comes out jabbing with the left hand. Mayorga presses forward and misses with a right hand. MP holding on the inside.  Excellent right hand counter to the body by MP. Combination lands for Mayorga. Good right hand by Mayorga. MP with a good left hand on the inside. Quick right hand for Mayorga. MP lands three solid jabs. A counter right hand lands for MP. Another counter right hand by MP.

10-9 Mayorga

Mayorga opens the round landing a hard uppercut followed by a right hand. MP falls back against the ropes and looks to be hurt for the first time. Mayorga lands a hard right hand that sends MP’s head snapping back. Referee breaks up the action. Mayorga swinging wildly but missing. Mayorga misses with an uppercut. Two jabs land for MP.  MP lands two hard right hands that send Mayorga back against the ropes.  MP lands another right hand and then goes down to the body with a good left. MP lands a solid left hand. Both men exchange wildly at the bell.

10-9 Mayorga

Mayorga lands a straight right hand. MP continues to circle and land the left jab. Three more jabs by MP. Mayorga taunting with his hands held below his waist. MP continues to land jabs. Mayorga lands a grazing uppercut. MP counters nicely with a right hand. MP warned for backhanding at Mayorga. Good left cross by MP on the inside. Excellent right hands landed on the inside by MP. Mayorga swings wildly from a distance and misses. Good right hand by Mayorga to punctuate the end of the round.

10-9 MP

Good jabs to open up the round for MP. Mayorga landing a few grazing right hand shots. MP continues to land the jab with accuracy. Mayorga lands a good right hand. Mayorga throwing a lot of uppercuts but not landing anything hard. MP throwing shots to the body on the inside. Mayorga lands a few jabs. MP misses with a right hand.

10-9 Mayorga

Both men start the round circling each other and throwing lazy jabs. MP lands a few solid jabs as Mayorga comes charging inside. MP lands another jab as Mayorga waits patiently for an opening. Good left hand by MP. Mayorga lands a counter left hook. MP goes back to the jab as Mayorga misses with wild shots to the head. Mayorga lands a right hand on top of MP’s head.


Mayorga telling MP to stand and fight. Mayorga screaming at MP to fight! Mayorga lands a wild right hand on the inside. MP giving back what he can on the inside. Mayorga now stalking MP and winging shots from every direction. MP jabs while moving backwards. Mayorga lands a grazing left hand. MP not doing much besides running backwards. Mayorga lands a chopping right hand. Excellent right hand by Mayorga! MP goes down but it is ruled a slip. Both men exchange punches at the bell.

10-9 Mayorga

And NEW WBC Jr. Middleweight Champion Ricardo Mayorga

Samuels Score: 117-111 Ricardo Mayorga

Official Scores: 117-110, 117-108, 120-105