Richard Gutierrez looks to make his mark versus Reid!

By G. Leon


Richard Gutierrez looks to make his mark versus Reid!

GL: Can you give us some thoughts on your upcoming ESPN fight with Teddy Reid on January 26? "I'm preparing for this fight very well, I'm plan on entering the ring at my best and I will be victorious, what more can I say?

GL: What do you know about Teddy Reid as a fighter? Have you been watching him on film?

Richard Gutierrez: "I'm not really into studying my opponent much, they just told me he would be my opponent last week and I've just been making sure I focus on my preparation and getting the right sparring to be victorious on January 26. I've been sparring with a lot of different guys, including Randall Bailey."

GL: What did you learn from your fight with Joshua Clottey?

RG: "It gave me a ton of experience, I went twelve hard rounds with a guy who knows how to fight. In 2007 people are going to see me more experienced."

GL: Is this fight with Reid a do or die fight in terms of getting yourself in the title hunt?

RG: "Yes, there's no doubt. I have to show the people what I'm about in how I come back from a loss. I have a tough guy in front of me on January 26 and I'm going to be victorious and then we're going to work towards a title fight from there."

GL: Is that your goal for 2007?

RG: "Yes, that's my main focus for this year to fight for and win a world. My fight with Clottey was close, but come this year I want to show people that I'm a force to be reckoned with."

GL: If you can't get a title shot do you want a rematch with Clottey?

RG: "It depends on what we'd be fighting for. He just lost his last fight and I'm getting ready to fight on ESPN. I'll fight anybody my promoters put in front of me, but I look as myself as in the driver's seat since he just lost his last fight so there's no reason to fight him unless the money is good or if it's for a vacant title."

GL: How many times would you like to fight this year?

RG: "That's up to my promoter DRL Promotions and Santa Barbara Management, but I hope to fight at least three or four times."

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

RG: "I want to thank G and Boxingtalk and I want all of my fans to tune in to ESPN on January 26 to watch my first fight towards me becoming champion in 2007."


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