Post Fight Interview with Anthony Thompson

By. Ray O. Campbell Jr.


Post Fight Interview with Anthony Thompson

“I definitely see myself with a belt… Real Soon!”

Coming off the biggest test of his career, in which he passed with flying colors by stopping former world title challenger Robert “Push Up” Frazier 31-8-4(15) in front of his hometown crowd, Philadelphia’s Jr. Middleweight prospect turned contender Anthony “The Messenger” Thompson checked in with to give us his take on his performance. “I kind of smothered my punches, but besides that I took my time I executed my body shots and put my combinations together. He is a slick fighter that has never really been stopped before except by a former champion in Carl Daniels. So that is an accomplishment I can feel proud of.” stated Thompson who with the win improves his excellent record to 23-1(17). In this one on one exclusive post fight interview, Thompson also gives us his take on the upcoming Ishe Smith-Sechew Powell grudge match as well as his willingness to fight the winner. Read on, as you don’t want to miss what else he had to say

RC: Give us your take on your performance that took place this past Thursday night against former world title challenger Robert “Push Up” Frazier?
AT: There was only one thing that I was real critical of myself about, and that is when I did have him hurt; I didn’t judge my distance correct. I kind of smothered my punches, but besides that I took my time I executed my body shots and put my combinations together. He is a slick fighter that has never really been stopped before except by a former champ in Carl Daniels. So that is an accomplishment I can feel proud of.

RC: You have fought in front of your hometown crowd before, was this fight any different going in seeing as how this was the biggest step up in your career so far? And how would you rate your performance?
AT: Yeah I would probably say so. With the type of opponent… I call him like a wizard. He has been in there with everybody,, there is no prospect at that time that he was fighting that he hasn’t fought. His resume is big, and not only did I fight in front of my home crowd but it was also televised, millions of people got a chance to see it. It came on again today at four o’clock. I would give myself an “A-“ only due to the simple fact that I was smothering my punches when I had him hurt.

RC: Seeing as how he hasn’t been stopped in over seven years, did you go into the fight thinking to yourself that in order for you to make a statement you will have to get him out of there before the final bell?
AT: No, actually I prepared myself just to go ten rounds. That was not to belittle myself, but being that a guy that I looked up to in David Reid couldn’t stop him, Winky Wright couldn’t stop him, Sechew Powell couldn’t stop him I figured he has mentally and physically enough understanding of the game on how to survive. I thought it was going to be an ugly fight honestly, because of the styles and he is a pretty good boxer, and because he is no slouch. .

RC: When can we expect to see you back in action on live television?
AT: I was suppose to fight this past November 16th on OLN, but I had an injury that I had to take care of. So, Top Rank has done a good job putting my fights on T.V., hopefully I can get that big break and get on HBO boxing after dark or something sometime soon.

RC: Seeing as how you stopped a guy like Robert Frazier so impressively, can we expect to see you back in with in a slight step up from him?
AT: Of course, I mean there is no reason for me to be in the top ten ranked by two bodies if I am not going to fight. The question is not can I fight; I guess it is who I have been fighting. So I don’t have a problem with it. I am definitely looking to step it up. I am still young, but time goes fast, the last time I looked I was 20, I am 25 now. So time goes fast I don’t want to keep waiting too long, I want to get my opportunity now. Like I will tell everybody Ray, talent wise I am blessed. I don’t care who I fight they are going to have some problems. You better believe I am going to give somebody some problems, whoever it is. Skillfully you have to say “Yo this kid Thompson is really talented, he has a lot of skills” Speed, power, and good defense so with that and the proper training somebody is in trouble. I am just waiting for a shot.

RC: You are one to always leave the match making to your promoter and manager, but if Anthony Thompson had his choice, could we expect to see you in action with a top 15 top 10 kind of guy?
AT: Definitely, in the top 15 top or top 10. But that’s according to the accommodations, I gotta be honest. I don’t want to be fighting a stallion and I am not going to be accommodated right. I just want to be comfortable with it, I am not saying that I am looking for a fortune, but I am looking to fight anybody that is going to get me in a position, and the notoriety that will benefit me to be on HBO. I play the game of economics, I don’t call nobody out really, you’ll demand it and I will supply it. That’s the bottom line, whoever you’ll can say “well this will be a good tough fight to see Thompson fight such and such” and if that is the way that it is going to roll then let the anchors fall where they are going to fall at.

RC: Let me get your thoughts on the upcoming Ishe Smith-Sechew Powell grudge match that’s set to take place on February 17th on HBO boxing after dark? And if the opportunity presented itself would you be interested in fighting the winner if it was on a similar stage or better?
AT: Of course…without a shadow of a doubt, without question. Sechew and Me are real close friends but we know and understand that it is business. I think Sechew is going to beat Ishe Smith.

RC: Can you elaborate on that a little bit more?
AT: I give the decision to Sechew Powell. I can see it going to a ten round decision, a kind of close fight but I think Sechew is going to edge it out, I think Sechew is the better fighter if you ask me.

RC: After turning pro everyone had high expectations for you, as you were the Philly prospect that everyone talked about. Then you suffered a set back to Grady Brewer in your 16th pro fight, since then despite looking good in seven straight victories, when your name was mentioned, it never really had the same affect to it. Do you feel that with your impressive stoppage victory over Robert Frazier, all of that will sorta be forgotten?
AT: Well a lot of people say Frazier, but they don’t understand how hard Mohammad Said was. Nobody stopped Mohammed Said, and lets not forgot where the weight was at, 158lbs where I came in a lot bigger and in this Frazier fight I came in 155lbs Mohammad Said is a strong physical guy, who has been the distance with Jerson Ravelo, who has had a draw with Antwun Echols, who may be a little washed up but he is still dangerous. He is a tough guy. My last two fights have been against some tough people, some people that have been around the block, and Mohammed Said is not easy to stop.

I don’t think that I fell off of the map, along with the loss, a little controversy came with my Holy Day (Sabbath), now that I don’t have to fight on my Holy Day it is really not a problem, so I turned down a couple of fights on ShoBox and ESPN and things of that nature. Right now the way God has been blessing me with this Versus thing, I don’t think I am going to have that situation. I don’t have to worry about them offering me a fight on Friday anymore. HBO fights takes place on Saturday after dark. I don’t see where that conflict will come in anymore. We have OLN, which is on Thursday night. My promoter owns OLN. I am not going to go to OLN to ESPN; I am going to go from OLN to HBO.

RC: I know you are just off your victory, but has there been any discussions as to who your next opponent might be?
AT: I am ready to fight Shane (Mosley), I am ready to fight Corey Spinks, I am ready to fight Travis Simms, I am ready to fight all of them guys. I really believe that them guys can’t beat me. I am just waiting for the opportunity… period. I know I have to fight somebody, they will see me and be like “why would I fight him” and I don’t blame them. If I was them I wouldn’t fight me either.

I don’t care who I fight Ray. It is not up to me to worry about who I have to fight. My promoter and manager has made champions, that is what they do., So they know what they have to do, so when they want me to fight somebody, it is just my job to be ready. I am not here to handle none of the legal fees, and I am not here to negotiate with Kerry Davis or nobody else, I am here to fight. I leave that up to them, that is what they get paid for.

RC: Its clear you have done enough to redeem yourself after your loss to Grady Brewer, it’s….
AT: (cutting in) Grady Brewer is not even on my radar. He is great guy that received a blessing. His blessing was the creator used him as an instrument to humble me. That’s it… that was his blessing. He is not stopping me from progressing; there is no reason for me to fight him. Not unless people begin to holla “fight Grady” “fight Grady” then that will be a reason for me to fight him, but other than that Grady can have the victory and go about his business. That was three years ago.

RC: The Grady Brewer now is a lot more popular than the Grady brewer of the past obviously because of his exposure and success on the Contender Season 2, and we all know that with the exposure comes the bread….
AT: (Cutting in again) well that is what I am talking about. But before he even went on the contender I always felt that it was not a loss I that had to revenge, some things are just not really worth it. He got that name, he ended up getting him a ShoBox date with Sechew, man God Bless that man, now if the people want to see me run with him because he won the Contender then that is something different. Like you sad that’s bread coming with that. But other than that, Grady can go ahead and run his route. I’m trying to get that chip, and Grady don’t have that Chip around his waist.

RC: By years end, where would you like to see yourself fitting in the Jr. Middleweight division?
AT: I definitely see myself with a belt… real soon!

RC: Is there anything else you would like to add in closing?
AT: I just want to say to all my fans that know me and that know the words of prayer, please pray for me and my family, and Shalom to all of the Hebrews out there.


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