Post-Fight Interview: Joshua Clottey

By G. Leon


Post-Fight Interview: Joshua Clottey

GL: Congrats on your victory, can you give us some thoughts on your performance? "I prepared hard for this fight and I wanted to protect number one spot. That's what I did in the ring, I put the pressure on and got a stoppage."

GL: How do you feel about handing Cruz his first KO loss?

Joshua Clottey: "I feel very good about that. Like I said I worked very hard for this fight and I know he's never been stopped. He fought Shane Mosley and the rest of them and they couldn't knock him out. I feel good about that, but there's more than that I want, I want the best guys out there. I will be going to Atlantic City next week because I want to have fights with those people out there."

GL: Who do you think will win the Margarito-Cintron fight?

JC: "I dont't think it will be a bad fight, I don't think Cintron would ever fight me. He's scared to death. I want to rematch with Margarito, so I hope he wins and my promoter Bob Arum wants to make the fight for the title. I want to fight the guys like Cotto and Margarito, and we have to fight instead of running away from me. Fight me, don't run from me."

GL: When are you hoping to get back in the ring?

JC: "My manager said it's going to be July 20 for the IBF title, so I'm waiting for that day. I'll be ready to fight because I always stay in condition."

GL: Who do you like in Cotto-Gomez?

JC: "Cotto is going to win."

GL:  Are you hoping that your promoter starts to think about you the same way they think about Cotto and Margarito once you get the title?

JC: "Let me thank you Greg for asking Bob Arum about me. I was very happy that he was thinking about me, when somebody like the top promoter is thinking about you that means that you're somebody and I respect that."

GL: Closing thoughts?

JC: "Thank you as always, Boxingtalk. And I want to thank Bob Arum too."


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