Pacquiao Hopes Barrera Stands Toe-to-Toe with Him

By Darren Nichols


Pacquiao Hopes Barrera Stands Toe-to-Toe with Him

BoxingTalk: Manny, how do you feel this fight with Barrera will be different then when you first faced him?

Manny Pacquiao:  I don’t think it will be different, but I think it will be a good fight same as the last fight, and I know he’s going to do his best to show the whole world that he can beat me, so it’s going to be a good fight.

BoxingTalk:  Are you going to train any differently for this fight than you have for all of your other fights?

Manny Pacquiao:  I think it will be the same thing, but we’ll apply some techniques for his style.

BoxingTalk:  What do you feel is your biggest advantage coming into this fight with Barrera?

Manny Pacquiao:  I feel my biggest advantage is that I’m faster and quicker then he is, and that I’m stronger.

BoxingTalk:  In training with Freddie Roach, will you spar specifically for Barrera or will you train and spar the way you normally do?

Manny Pacquiao:  We spar every other day for three days a week.

BoxingTalk:  Do you believe that Barrera having to leave camp because of fires up in Big Bear played a role in you beating him last time?

Manny Pacquiao:  I don’t want to comment on that because that is his alibi.

BoxingTalk:  I know you want to win, but do you have a prediction for this fight?

Manny Pacquiao:  I don’t want to give a prediction for this fight.  I just want to do my best, try my best to make people happy, and show the whole world that it’s going to be a good fight.
BoxingTalk:  Manny, will be remain here in Hollywood until the fight?

Manny Pacquiao:  Yeah, I’m starting to train right now.

BoxingTalk:  How different do you feel Barrera is at this point as a fighter, and how will you change your style for this fight?

Manny Pacquiao:  Well, he’s hungry for this fight, and he wants revenge in this fight, but both of us are looking for a victory on October 6th.

BoxingTalk:  Do you feel you need to make a point this time since Barrera said something happened last time with his training?

Manny Pacquiao:  Maybe they’re right, and maybe they’re wrong.  We don’t know yet.  We’ll only have the answer on October 6th.

BoxingTalk:  You’ve been wanting this fight for four years.  It’s not very often that a winner calls out a loser.  How important is it for you to finally secure this rematch?

Manny Pacquiao:  For me this rematch is very important to me because I want to prove that I’m the best fighter to deserve the last time.

BoxingTalk:  Starting with Barrera, you have been taking on great Mexican warriors, and fighting them in the trenches.  How do you see this fight playing out?

Manny Pacquiao:  It’s nothing personal.  It’s our job to entertain the people, and all the fans, and to give a good fight, and to make them happy.

BoxingTalk:  Freddie Roach has said you are a more rounded fighter now, a two fisted fighter.  Do you expect to have a little easier time with Barrera or are you expecting Barrera to bring his A-game and really press you?

Manny Pacquiao:  I’m not expecting an easy fight.  This is going to be a hard fight.  He’ll do his best to knock me out, and to win the fight, but I’m not going to let him do that.

BoxingTalk:  What did you think about Barrera’s fight with Marquez.  Do you think he did better than expected?

Manny Pacquiao:  I think Barrera won the fight if the knockdown was counted, but that was the referee’s decision.

BoxingTalk:  How would you describe Barrera’s style.  Is it a hard style for you to fight?

Manny Pacquiao:  Compared to Morales, he is a good fighter, but it’s a different style.  Both of them are good fighters.

BoxingTalk:  What can you pull from the first fight that he’ll make adjustments with?

Manny Pacquiao:  I think he doesn’t need to fight toe-to-toe.  I think he’ll jab, jab, running, moving, moving.

BoxingTalk:  When Barrera faced Rocky Juarez he boxed on the outside, but in his last fight with Marquez he traded and went to war.  Which style of Barrera do you prefer most?

Manny Pacquiao:   I like the fighter who comes to me and fights toe-to-to.  I don’t like the fighter who is runs, jabs, and keeps moving.

BoxingTalk:  Who is going to be the hungrier fighter in this fight?

Manny Pacquiao:  Both of us, because I need to prove that I won the last fight, and he wants to prove that he had a lot of problems in the last fight.


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