One on One with Roy Jones Sr

By Brad Cooney


One on One with Roy Jones Sr

Boxingtalk caught up with the legendary Roy Jones Sr, and got his thoughts on the upcoming Trinidad vs Roy Jones Jr fight scheduled for January, 26th 2008.  Big Roy also gives the Boxingtalk readers his thoughts on Hatton vs Mayweather, Holyfield vs Ibragimov, and Barrera vs Pacquiao 2.  

BT -  Big Roy always a pleasure having you join Boxingtalk.

RJS – My pleasure, it's nice to be here.

BT – Before we get to Roy Jones, talk about your prospect Kevin Price.

RJS – He's a heavyweight, and an extremely talented young man.  This kid is a hard worker, and I think in the future the world will see a lot more of him.  He fought on Saturday night, and he got a 2nd round knockout.  I think the world is in for a treat with this kid.

BT – I have seen him fight once, he looked impressive and he's very tall.

RJS – Well back in the day being tall meant something, but not so much today.  The Klitschko's are tall, all the heavyweight's are tall.  Kevin is 6ft 8inches tall, all I can say is that the people are in for a treat when they see him, and he's going to be seen in the future.

BT – What's the latest with Anthony Mundine's eye injury?

RJS – Well he had an eye infection, and he had surgery.  I think that he's going to be ok, some people were saying that he was going to lose his vision in that eye, but that's not true.  The operation was successful, and I think he will be ready to go about March.

BT – What do you think Mundine needs to do to catch on a little bit more over here in America?

RJS – He needs to fight more in America, slowly take on some American opponents in Australia, and slowly walk his way over here to America.  He will venture out over here in America, I am sure.

BT – Let's move on to Roy Jones Jr, he has a big fight coming up against Felix Trinidad.  What are your thoughts on the match up?

RJS – Well you can tell that he's been in the gym.  He looks more fit than he's been looking, so that's an indication that he's been in the gym training.  If Roy stays in the gym and trains, he's still a top dog out there.  Even though Roy has had a few set backs, he's still a top dog out there.  I seen him the other day, and he looks real, real fit.  He's not just letting his weight go for the last minute, he's on it.  If he trains right, he'll be victorious big time.

BT – Most say that this fight should have happened 10 years ago, but nevertheless, it's going to happen.  What is your take on this match up?

RJS – I think if it happened back in the day it would have been in Roy's favor.  Trinidad was going through some things, and he needed the time off.  In my opinion Trinidad needed the rest, and some time off.  Now that he has had some time off, and is carrying a little more weight, it's going to make this fight more interesting.  Trinidad will not be suffering to make the weight, and the rest should do him real good, he needed it.  I am no expert, that's just my opinion. If Roy comes into the fight in shape, he will do well.

BT – What do you mean you're not an expert? (laughs).

RJS – (laughs), well I just do my thing, do what I do.  How much of an expert that I am, I don't know.

BT – Well you have done one or two things right Roy, I guarantee you that.

RJS – Yep.

BT – You continue to work with the amateurs, talk about that.

RJS – Yes, I have about 18 kids that I am working with.  I have some fine prospects but I am not going to mention names because it will give them big heads.  That exposure can hurt a kid, if he sees his name, he might walk around telling people about his name, instead of coming to the gym.

BT – There are a few interesting fights coming up, what are your thoughts on the Jermain Taylor vs Kelly Pavlik fight?

RJS – I don't know too much about Kelly Pavlik, but Jermain is a good fighter.  I think in my opinion he still has a few edges that he needs to sharpen up.  Jermain is a good fighter, and by all indications, he is a hard worker.  I am pretty sure that if Jermain is in the fight, it should be a pretty good fight.

BT – What about Ricky Hatton vs Mayweather?

RJS – ohhhh now that's going to be a little different than most people think.  I think that Mayweather will have his way at times, but Hatton is going to have his way at times as well.  Mayweather is going have to deal with something that he's not used to.  Hatton is going to keep coming, he's going to be busy, busy, busy, busy.  Mayweather is going to experience some things that he's not used to seeing.  Hatton will keep coming, and that might work in Mayweather's favor, then again, it might not.  It all depends on how focused Floyd is, and what kind of shape he is in come fight time.  He will have a smaller guy coming at him with a lot more speed, and with a lot more will driving it.  If Hatton prepares right, it should be an extremely good fight, but I think Mayweather should win in my opinion.

BT – Marco Antonio Barrera will rematch Manny Pacquiao, what are your thoughts?

RJS – If you want to watch a fight, this is the one to watch.  It will depend on which guy has the most stew brewing in the pot.  Barrera wants some “get back” and Pacquiao has something to live up to.  Barrera isn't going to just sit down, he's coming to fight.  Pacquiao is strong, and he might have a little advantage because he's the bigger guy.

BT – Evander Holyfield will fight Sultan Ibragimov, what are your thoughts on that fight?

RJS – Let me tell you something, you can put this in your pipe and smoke it, you might see Holyfield make history.  Holyfield is a warrior, a true warrior you know what I mean?  He  possesses the kill, and he has a little more will driving him than fighters do nowadays.  I wouldn't be surprised if he makes history.

BT- Big Roy thanks for joining Boxingtalk, do you have any closing thoughts for the fans?

RJS – Just keep your eyes open, there's no telling what you might see, if you see something real tall coming at you, it aint the sky, it's Kevin Price.


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