BC – You last fought back in May against Jose Hernandez, was that a guy that who's style gave you trouble?
RJ - No I don't think it was a style matter, it was just he was a tough opponent. We knew that he was coming to fight. I think it was a fight that he shouldn't have lasted 5 rounds, I had a bad night that night.
BC – Even though you had a bad night, you still got the win, but what do you think attributed to the bad night?RJ – Well I think it was just bad vibes or something, it was just a mental thing. I came in physically great, it was more of a mind thing. It was just one of those flat nights that fighters have I guess.
BC – Humberto Soto defeated Bobby Pacquiao, what are your thoughts on that fight?RJ – I saw rounds 5 through 7, where he stopped him. Bobby Pacquiao is a tough fighter he fought hard. Pacquiao being a southpaw is tough, and it's good Humberto is doing as good as he is, it doesn't make my loss against him look so bad (laughs).
BC – Would you like to rematch Humberto Soto?RJ – Oh yes, if I could I would. I would also like to fight Barrera again. I am the kind of fighter where if I get a loss on my record, I want an opportunity to get avenge that loss. Humberto Soto is one of those guys, he's definitely a guy I would like to get a rematch with.
BC – What do you think is next for you Rock?RJ – I think my win against Hernandez was for an interim belt, so I think now we have a championship bout against Chris John. If not, whoever, I am willing to fight whoever at 126lbs. I would love to fight at 126lbs, but if an opportunity came to fight someone like Marquez at 130lbs, I would take that.
BC – Is Golden Boy chasing the Chris John fight for you?RJ – Well right now I haven't been told anything as far as when and who I am fighting, but we do have another fight scheduled for next year. I was guaranteed 3 fights for 2007, so I am just waiting for the third one.
BC – What do you think about Manny Pacquiao's situation? I am guessing you want your crack at him just like every other Featherweight in the world does.RJ – I am Mexican, and Manny has been kicking the crap out of Mexicans, so he would be someone that I would love to take on. Who wouldn't want to fight a guy like Manny Pacquiao, he's an animal in the ring, he's all heart. Manny deserves where he's at, he trains very hard, and he's dedicated.
BC – Give me your thoughts on these recent fights that just took place, let's start with Jermain Taylor vs Cory Spinks.RJ – I got bored, and left.
BC – Edison Miranda vs Kelly Pavlik.RJ – That was a Hell of a fight. Kelly Pavlik definitely got respect with the fans and the critics.
BC – Cotto vs Judah.RJ – Cotto beat the crap out of him.
BC – With that said, Zab Judah gained many fans in boxing with his heart, and his effort in that fight.RJ – Oh no doubt about that, I think many people didn't think that Zab had it in him. When I saw Zab beating his chest, saying “come on”, I knew he was there to fight. I respect any fighter like that, a guy who basically is telling his opponent that you're going to have to knock me out to win this fight. Cotto pounded him, and Judah showed a lot of heart in that fight. I never would have thought that Judah would have stayed in there like that.
BC – Cotto goes from a B fighter to an A fighter with that effort, no?RJ – Oh man Cotto is in his prime right now. Cotto has so much confidence right now that he's going to be tough to beat. Cotto being the disciplined fighter that he is will be very difficult to beat. I give him a lot of credit for fighting the way he did with a cut that went through both sides of his mouth. Very tough fighter, and a good boxing match.
BC – Rock, what's the deal with the Olympic boxing hopefuls coming up? Have you heard any names mentioned in the amateurs that grab your attention yet?RJ – I haven't, because it's not the same as it used to be. When I came out, I came out in a year where there was a lot of money to be given away to fighters who made the team, or even medaled. I haven't even seen any of the kids that will be on the 2008 team on television at all. They used to show them on ESPN, but I haven't seen anything on them this time.
BC – Why do you think that is?RJ – Well I think one reason is because they changed up the weight classes. I was told there is a 114lb, 119lb, what the Hell is that? They changed up the weight classes, and by doing that they got things messed up. It just changed what everybody was used to. Another reason is the promoters are signing the top talented kids before they even get to the Olympics.
BC – Back to you now, when can we see you in the ring again?RJ – I think in September. I have one more fight with Golden Boy, not that it will be my last, we signed a three fight deal so I will get with my manager after this one, and see what happens. There is always a fight in Vegas in September for the Mexican Holiday. I am looking for my next opponent, I have my ears open.
BC – Closing thoughts?RJ – Thanks to all my fans who support me. I have a goal to become world champion, and until then I will stay in shape, and stay ready. I will bring the belt back to H Town!
Send questions and comments to: bradcooney1@bellsouth.net