Featherweight Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero spoke to Boxingtalk about his upcoming title defense against a tough Adrian Valdez (16-3-3). Guerrero, an up-and-coming prospect already rated #30 in the Boxingtalk ratings, responds to some recent trash talking by his opponent Adrian Valdez. Guerrero also touches on the amateur boxing program, his faith in God, and his intentions for 2005.
BC - Robert, what's up? It has been awhile since we last talked.RG - Man, just training hard... training hard like never before... John Bray is getting it done man. We are having a good time training together.
BC - Robert, what does John Bray bring to the table for you?RG - John brings a lot of things, he is teaching me a lot about boxing, he has me working on my defense more, hitting at different angles, working my jab, finding my range, using my legs,basically making me a complete fighter.
BC - Robert, in a recent press release, your opponent Adrian Valdez had done some trash talking.... talk about what your fans can expect out of you when you step into the ring with him in April.RG - They can expect a very humble guy that can step in there, and gets the job done. I don't talk bad about anybody.. I love to fight, and to entertain..that's my job.
BC - Robert, talk a little bit about your recent signing with manager Shelly Finkel.RG - It does a lot.. he's going to do a lot for my career.. he is working hard for me. Shelly does things for me that no other manager can do for me.
BC - Robert, your reputation speaks for itself.. and you let your hands do your talking in the ring. Talk a little bit about your next opponent Adrian Valdez. will he be your toughest challenge thus far?RG - I look at every guy the same.. wether or not they have the talent I have or not. I train the same way. You never know what's going to happen in the ring. I prepare for each fight like it's a championship fight... I am always ready for whoever is going to be in front me. Come April 1st I will be ready for Adrian Valdez.
BC - Robert, a win against Valdez should put you into a title shot position.RG - Oh yes, I agree, that title shot is always at the top of my head.. every fighter I fight is another step to get that title. Come April 1st it will be another step towards that title.
BC - A win against Valdez would mean what Robert? Who would you want next?RG - Brad, as I said previously I just want to fight the best. Since Manny Pacquaio has moved up to 130lb, that makes Juan Manuel Marquez the best...so he is who I am gunning for.
BC - Robert, for those who don't know you, you are a very strong Christian man. Talk a little bit about your faith in God, and what your faith has done for your life.RG - Well you know I am a big, big believer in Jesus Christ. Jesus is my guide in life, in boxing, in everything. Without him I am nothing, I would have no life. Every time I get into the ring, I am closer to Jesus, every day I get up, I am closer to him.
BC - Talk a little bit about your recent invitation to be the special guest of honor at the SF Golden Gloves tournament.RG - It shows how much I have accomplished as a pro to be honored like this. I am very touched that they have asked me to do this. I will be there after my fight on April 1st, it is a huge honor for me to be there. When I was a kid, I used to fight at that very tournament in SF... so for me to go there as a pro, and to watch the up and coming talent is an
honor for me.
BC - Robert, talk a little bit about the importance of a professional boxer giving back to the amateur boxing program.RG - It's very important to me to do give back. When I was a kid what used to inspire me was seeing a professional boxer watching my fight. It makes you say " man, I want to be where that guy is at".. it makes you more motivated, and excited to be in boxing. It inspires young guys coming up in the amateurs.. I like to watch the amateurs fight, I used to be there, I know how hard it is to make in boxing...so when you support the kids in the amateurs, it makes you feel good.
Bc - Robert, here as of late you name has become more, and more known within the boxing world. Do you feel any pressure to represent the Bay area as a champion?RG - Well no pressure no, but it's an honor for me to do so.. for my home base fans to see me, and for the fans all around the world to follow my career is exciting for me. To have somebody coming out of your own back yard is huge, it makes me work that much harder so that when I do fight in my backyard it is going to be HUGE! I want to be the very best I can be when I do. I want the world to know that the Bay area not only puts out good computers, but they put out good fighters as well!
BC - Robert, now that you are a champion, and that you now fight for Shelly Finkel.. I am guessing that the competition will be gunning much more for you now.RG - Oh yea.. I mean this fight is going to be on Showtime, Title on the line. I am one of Shelly's boys nownumber 6 in the world.... man I can be right there.. I beat this guy, they are going to recognize me.. I am coming to fight, and he is ready to fight..and that's the kind of guy I want.. Come April 1st this is going to be a good fight!
BC - Robert, I am wondering if on April 2nd, Valdez will be afraid of ghosts then? (laughing)RG - (laughing)
BC- Let's talk to your fans directly Robert..tell them what they can expect out of you this upcoming year.RG - There is going to be more TV fights for me. Shelly will make that happen. I am going to be in top shape at all times.The Lord has my back.. by the end of the summer time, I hope to have a title shot by then, I am going to be ready for it.
BC - Robert, good luck with your fight in April... Thanks for talking to Boxingtalk.RG - My pleasure Brad.. keep in touch.
Look for my new book BRAD COONEY'S LET'S TALK BOXING in MAY 2005
Send questions and comments to: bradcooney1@bellsouth.net