One on One with Leon Margules

By G. Leon


One on One with Leon Margules

GL: Can you give us some thoughts on the return of O'Neil Bell? "He'll be fighting Louis Azille at the Hard Rock on ESPN Wednesday fights and it's going to be a great fight. O'Neil is ready to go."

GL: When can we expect a Mormeck-Bell rubbermatch?

Leon Margules: "There was a ruling by the WBC. I appealed the decision and what happened in France during the second fight and the WBC ruled on my appeal that the winner of Mormeck and Haye will have to fight Bell. I have that in writing from the WBC so I assume it will be honored by them. This is basically a fight where he has to keep busy and keep in the eye of the public. The exposure on ESPN is a good thing and Azille is a solid fighter so it should be a pretty good fight."

GL: Can you share with us some thoughts on the October 13 unification bout between Ibragimov and Changaev?

LM: "I think it's about time and I think boxing needs it. It's a great fight with two left handed guys and both guys are undefeated, so I think it's great that they both want to step up and fight each other. I wish the US public would give it more attention and the networks aren't knocking down my door for the fight. And I think they should be. It's hyprocritical to talk about unify, unify, unify...wasn't there a meeting called by Ross Greenburg with all of the promoters of the heavyweight champions at the time as an attempt to get unification going. I wasn't part of the meeting because Sultan wasn't the champion. Now Peter Kohl and I decided to unify and it's hypocritical for the top networks not being behind it."

GL: Regardless of the network support, I'm sure you're pleased that Warriors Boxing will be involved with the first heavyweight unification bout in quite some time?

LM: "Yeah and I think it's going to be a great fight. The good news is there's enough support for it elsewhere in the world, so we're going to do it overseas."

GL: Should Ibragimov win can we expect other unification bouts?

LM: "If the other promoters and the networks will cooperate. The WBC has already ruled that Vitali will get the winner of Masakev-Peter so that takes them into next year. The other Klitschko broke his finger so he'll be out for a little bit, but yeah, it's definitely something we'd look to do."

GL: Is there any update on Edison Miranda and when we could expect him in the ring?

LM: "I want him to rest. He wants to fight tomorrow. I think he needs rest, so I'm going to bring him back in October."

GL: Are you concerned that Miranda might not be the same fighter following the beating he took from Pavlik?

LM: "I think that his body needs time to heal. I think if I brough him back quicker it wouldn't be well advised. I think people around him including myself, need to be sensitive about things after that kind of a fight. And you have to keep in mind that was his third fight on HBO in five months. October is plenty of time for him to come back, he will have had five months off."

GL: Are you confident we'll see him on HBO again?

LM: "Oh yeah and I'm confident that he's going to be a dominant super middleweight."

GL: What's the latest with Glen Johnson?

LM: "He's going to be fighting on July 27 in an off TV fight on a card that a local promoter is doing. Obviously none of these light heavyweights want to fight Glen Johnson. They're all afraid of him. Tarver, Dawson, Jones, they're always talking about fighting everyone else, but not Glen Johnson and that's probably because they know he'll give them hell. If Dawson thinks he's the new wave of 175 why doesn't he fight him? If Roy feels what happened was a fluke why won't he fight him?"


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