One on One with Grady Brewer

By G. Leon


One on One with Grady Brewer

GL: What's the latest and greatest with Grady Brewer? "Basically I'm trying to get myself back together so I can back in there and do my thing again. I've been on hold up because I had a scope done on my knee and it's had me on a down slope for the last couple of weeks. But now I'm getting myself back on track and back together."

GL: How did the surgery go and when should we expect you back in the ring?

Grady Brewer: "Right now that's the thing I've been fighting against. From what the doctor told me the scope on my right knee went really well. He said he saw a lot of things in there that he didn't expect to see, now I'm just recovering and I'm looking at another two weeks before I can start my training up. Once I can start my training up I'll be looking for a fight two or three months after that."

GL: Prior to the surgery Vernon Forrest was the fight you were supposed to make. Is that the fight you're going to be looking for?

GB: "He's going to fight on the 21st of next month and I was going to take that fight against him, but now with my knee it's probably not going to happen for me when I thought it would."

GL: Manfredo and Mora both have marquee match-ups coming up, are you hoping that these opportunities come your way shortly after you return?

GB: "I believe they will and they know I'm not going to get back in the ring until I'm 100%, but I'm looking to make my mark as one of the big guns at 154 pounds."

GL: Did you catch the fight with Sechew Powell and Ishe Smith?

GB: "I saw it and I thought they both looked like crap. Ishe didn't perform too well and neither did Sechew."

GL: Based on the fact that your fight with Sechew was controversial in the eyes of many, is that a fight you'd be interested in should it come your way?

GB: "Yes sir. He's one of the guys I've been thinking about. I know I match up with him real good and I didn't like the way the outcome came out the last time we fought. I'd love to do it again."

GL: Is there anything you'd like to say in closing?

GB: "Be patient because I return to the ring it will be worth the wait."


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